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17 December 2020 A Study of the Key Influencing Factors in Management Innovation of SMEs of Ocean Technology in China
Xiaohui Wang
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Wang, X., 2020. A study of the key influencing factors in management innovation of SMEs of ocean technology in China. In: Liu, X. and Zhao, L. (eds.), Today's Modern Coastal Society: Technical and Sociological Aspects of Coastal Research. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 111, pp. 336–339. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

With the increasing importance of the marine economy, it is imperative to develop small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) of ocean technology. Management innovation is the driving force behind the development of SMEs. By carrying out a theoretical review and listening to advice from experts, this paper established an indicator system for the influencing factors in the management innovation of SMEs of ocean technology. A questionnaire survey was carried out among 21 SMEs of ocean technology in Shandong and Liaoning Provinces. Factor analysis was performed to analyze the obtained sample data. Six key influencing factors in the management innovation of SMEs of ocean technology were derived: strategies and mechanisms for innovation, the establishment of learning organizations, total involvement and training, the culture for management innovation, the policy environment, and customer relationship management.

©Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Inc. 2020
Xiaohui Wang "A Study of the Key Influencing Factors in Management Innovation of SMEs of Ocean Technology in China," Journal of Coastal Research 111(sp1), 336-339, (17 December 2020).
Received: 22 April 2020; Accepted: 6 August 2020; Published: 17 December 2020
key factors
management innovation
ocean technology
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