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1 September 2012 Assessment of the Nature and the Rate of Coastal Erosion on the Mount Cameroon Coastal Landscape, Southwest Region, Cameroon
Mbongowo Joseph Mbuh, Raoul Étongué Mayer, Tchawa Paul
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Mbuh, M.J.; Mayer, R.É., and Paul, T., 2012. Assessment of the nature and the rate of coastal erosion on the Mount Cameroon coastal landscape, Southwest Region, Cameroon.

The Mount Cameroon coastline is believed to be affected by two main morphological, dynamic, environmental problems: the erosion of the Atlantic slopes of the mountains and hills, and the accumulation of sediments on the continental platform. Erosion affects the coastal slopes, as evidenced by the existence of erosion domes observed both on the Atlantic slopes and the coastlines. Three factors explain the deterioration of the Cameroon coastline: (1) its location with a vulnerable region known as the Cameroon Line, (2) the persistent impact of climate and oceanographic conditions, and (3) the topographic nature of the region. A high percentage of this coastal area's water infiltrates the soil, weathering the pyroclastic material. Concentrated human population in the area accelerates some of the erosional processes. In fact, human activity could be the primary cause of the degradation; nevertheless, natural-erosion processes remain prominent in the ongoing degradation of this fragile environment.

The dynamics of waves and tides alter Mount Cameroon coastal features. The intensity of those waves and tides vary from place to place. The Mabeta mangrove and the surrounding coastal creeks experience a high rate of sedimentation. The area between Man O' War Bay and Mabeta experiences intense weathering because the rocks are old. The area between Limbe and Batoke experiences a high rate of erosion caused primarily by wave action because of the poor erosive action of the few rivers. The high erosion could provide sediments to stabilise the coastline; however, the sediments do not finish their progression to the sea. Therefore, coastal development depends mainly on the coastal current, fluvial discharge, and high rainfall in Debundscha. Tectonic variability associated with landslides also represents a significant natural hazard in this complex environment.

Mbongowo Joseph Mbuh, Raoul Étongué Mayer, and Tchawa Paul "Assessment of the Nature and the Rate of Coastal Erosion on the Mount Cameroon Coastal Landscape, Southwest Region, Cameroon," Journal of Coastal Research 28(5), 1214-1224, (1 September 2012).
Received: 23 November 2010; Accepted: 21 March 2011; Published: 1 September 2012
accumulation of sediments and sedimentation
Cameroon line
coastal erosion
linear erosion
marine erosion
persistent effects of climate
Southwest region of Cameroon
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