The Otter Crest terrace on the central Oregon coast, about 12 km north of Newport, consisting of a moderately resistant Tertiary siltstone overlain by an uplifted Pleistocene beach deposit that contains closely similar sedimentary structures and patterns of sand grain sorting to the modern-day pocket beach. This is the youngest in a series of tectonically uplifted terraces and ancient beach deposits found along the Oregon coast, it being part of the Cascadia Margin of plate subduction. Cape Foulweather can be seen in the background, named by Captain Cook in March 1778, presumably under weather and storm-wave conditions more typical of this coast than recorded in the photograph. (Photograph and caption provided by Paul Komar, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A., September, 2012.)