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1 May 2013 The Biological Flora of Coastal Dunes and Wetlands: Sporobolus virginicus (C. Linnaeus) K. Kunth
Robert I. Lonard, Frank W. Judd, Richard Stalter
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Lonard, R.I.; Judd, F.W., and Stalter, R., 2013. The biological flora of coastal dunes and wetlands: Sporobolus virginicus (C. Linnaeus) K. Kunth.

Sporobolus virginicus (C. Linnaeus) K. Kunth is a warm temperate, subtropical, and pantropical rhizomatous grass. It is an important species in foredunes, primary dunes, interdunal depressions, salt marshes, brackish marshes, and on the margins of salt pans where it is often a dominant species. Sporobolus virginicus is a euhalophyte that tolerates soluble salts ranging from 3 to 94 parts per thousand, and where the pH varies from 6 to 8.8. This species is freeze sensitive at −2.5°C with no hardening capacity. Also known as seashore dropseed, seedlings are sensitive to tidal inundation, but established plants are not affected by waterlogged conditions. The species is important for controlling beach erosion and for stabilizing sandy substrates. Stands of S. virginicus provide food for livestock and wildlife. Herein, we present a review of the biology of this important species.

Robert I. Lonard, Frank W. Judd, and Richard Stalter "The Biological Flora of Coastal Dunes and Wetlands: Sporobolus virginicus (C. Linnaeus) K. Kunth," Journal of Coastal Research 29(3), 706-716, (1 May 2013).
Received: 15 July 2012; Accepted: 19 September 2012; Published: 1 May 2013
physiological ecology
population ecology
response to water levels
Seashore dropseed
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