Nelsen, C., Cummins, A. and Tagholm H., 2013. Paradise Lost: Threatened Waves and the Need for Global Surf Protection
Ocean waves are an integral part of the marine system, providing recreation and economic values to coastal communities around the world. Worldwide, the importance of surfing is consistently undervalued. As a result, there are numerous examples around the world where surfing waves are currently under threat from inappropriate development. Many more surfing waves have already destroyed by development.
There are numerous discreet threats to surfing waves around the UK coastline. UK-based Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) is promoting the value of waves with the Waves Are Resources (WAR) Report and the Protect Our Waves (POW) petition calling for specific legislation to better protect surfing waves around the UK.
Internationally, the Surfrider Foundation successfully stopped a proposed six-lane toll road that would have destroyed a popular state park and degraded a world famous surfing area called Trestles. The project was opposed by thousands of water users, supported by a surf economics report. Surfers visiting Trestles contribute to San Clemente's local economy by spending money when they visit and contribute between $8 and $13 million a year to the local economy.
This paper presents an overview of the importance of surfing to coastal communities, provides an overview of threats to surfing around the globe and cases studies on successful efforts to protect surfing through coastal management, planning and legislation. The findings demonstrate the significant economic, social and environmental importance of surfing amenity to specific locales and support the need for appropriate consideration of impacts to surfing that may occur as a result of coastal management decisions.