Lee, H.S., Kim, I.H., Song, D.S. and Lee, J.L., 2013. A Correlation Analysis between a Swim Zone Width and Beach Survey Data in Sokcho Beach
Sokcho Beach is the 3 km-long sand beach located on the east coast of South Korea. Beach profile surveying and grain size sampling in four control sections were carried out in order to investigate the relationships of swim zone width between the median size, beach face slope, and scale factor. It is found that temporal variation in the southern part of beach is the most severe due to the presence of Oeongchi headland. As the result of the correlation analysis, the correlation factor of the swim zone width to the scale factor was estimated rather high (0.596). The present study shows the grains size is not an adequate indicator in estimating the swim zone width. Regular monitoring of the region is required to determine the seasonal changes, the sediment transport, and the changes in the sedimentation environment, and to acquire an accurate understanding of the beach environment and of the changes that it is undergoing.