Nikolkina, I., Soomere, T., Didenkulova, I., 2013. Wave climate in Peipsi Lake.
The main features of wave properties in relatively large but shallow Lake Peipsi (Estonia/Russia) are determined based on wave measurements at its western coast (58.75°N 27.1°E) in summer and autumn 2005–2007. Although the data set is relatively limited, it still covers 263 days and characterizes well the basic properties of wave climate in this water body. The wave regime is mostly calm, with the long-term average significant wave height below 0.3 m and seas with Hs < 1.2 m covering at least 2/3 of the ice-free time. The seasonal variation in wave properties mimics the analogous variation in the wind speed, with the most stormy months October–December. Wave heights are, on average, considerably lower in summer (July–August) than in autumn (October–November). Significant wave heights >1 m were recorded in autumn and covered 3% or the measurement time. The maximum recorded wave height Hs = 1.98 m occurred on October 27, 2005. The mean periods are mostly concentrated in a range of 1.5–2.5 s and exhibit an almost Gaussian distribution.