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1 January 2015 Multi-attribute Group Decision Making Method of Ecological Water Compensation Program Based on Preference of Decision Makers
Bo Sun, Ming Wei, Jun Du, Wei Ji, Mingqian Wen
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Sun, B.; Wei, M.; Du, J., Ji, W., and Wen, M., 2015. Multi-attribute group decision making method of ecological water compensation program based on preference of decision makers.

This paper presented a multi-attribute group decision making model of ecological water compensation program based on preference of decision makers. First, it constructed the interval indexes of ecological water compensation program and conducted general standardization on the initial decision matrix based on cost and efficiency indexes, which introduced the concept of attitude indexes and eliminated errors brought by preferences of decision-makers for the program. Second, it aimed for the minimum deviation between the expectation of decision-makers on the optimal solution and objective values, and the weighted value of unknown attributes of the optimal model was obtained. Finally, we used the ecological water compensation in Nantong City as an example to verify the validity of the model.

© 2015 Coastal Education and Research Foundation
Bo Sun, Ming Wei, Jun Du, Wei Ji, and Mingqian Wen "Multi-attribute Group Decision Making Method of Ecological Water Compensation Program Based on Preference of Decision Makers," Journal of Coastal Research 73(sp1), 606-610, (1 January 2015).
Received: 19 August 2014; Accepted: 17 November 2014; Published: 1 January 2015
attitude index
Ecological water compensation program
interval index.
multi-attribute group decision making
uncertain weights
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