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1 January 1995 Western Mount Kenya Bryophytes - III
M. S. Chuah-Petiot
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WESTERN MOUNT KENYA BRYOPHYTES IIIM.S. Chuah-PetiotBotany Department, University of NairobiP.O. Box 14576, Nairobi, Keny.INTRODUCTIONThis is the third and final article in the current series on the bryophytes· found on the western side of Mt. Kenya. An introduction of the environmental factors prevailing on the study site was given in part one of this series; figure numbering continues from the second paper in the series (Chuah-Petiot, 1994). The legend presents the scale for plant parts and the length of cells.= BRYOPSIDA =LeucodontaceaePrerogonium gracile (Hedw.) Sm. (fig. 9)MSC 241a, 202, 304b.Altitude range: 2450-3150 m.Plants epiphytic, robust, yellowish green. Stems procumbent to erect. Stem leaves larger but similar to branch leaves. Leaves ovate lanceolate tapering to long fine point; margin denticulate; nerve up to three quarters up leaf. Basal leaf cells shortly rectangular, upper leaf cells linear.Legend: 1-plant habit (x 1); 2-part of plant (x 10); 3-part of shoot tip (x 4); 4-branch leaf (x 60); 5-stem leaf (x 35); 6-mid leaf cells (15 µm); 7-marginal leaf cells (10 µm).PrionodontaceaePrionodon ciliatus Besch. (fig. 9)MSC 320bAltitude range: 2375 m.Plants ,robust, epiphytic, with prostrate and erect stems, irregularly branched. Small scale like leaves near base of main stem but abundantly leafy upwards. Leaves broad base to widely lanceolate, furrowed, serrate, margin coarsely toothed, teeth irregular as to size, some at right angles to margin, others more inclined forward or hooked. Leaf apex acute, usually toothed, nerve strong, brownish extending almost to apex. Marginal cells near apex rounded to elliptical, papillose; mid leaf cells long, lower marginal cells gradually shorter.Legend: 8-part of shoot (x 6); 9-tooth (20 µm); 10-plant habit (x 2/3); 11-mid leaf cells (15 µm); I2-basal leaf cells (50 µm); I3-leaf (x 13).PterobryaceaeCalyptothecum hoehnelii (C. Mull.) Broth. (fig. 9)MSC 320Altitude: 2375 m.Figure 9. Legend see text. 1-7 Pterogonium gracile; 8-13 Prionodon ciliatus; 14-18 Calyptothecum hoehnelii; 19-25 Papillaria africana; 26-31 Pilotrichella cuspidata; 32-38 Neckera platyantha.Plants robust, much branched. Primary stems creeping, secondary stems erect, irregularly to pinnately branched. Stems red, leaves imbricate, strongly concave, broadly ovate to oval, acute to abruptly acuminate. Nerveless. Upper leaf cells linear, pitted; basal alar cells shortly rectangular, brownish.Legend: 14-plant habit (x 1); 15-part of lateral shoot (x 4); 16-leaf (x 7); 17-basalleaf cells (45 µm); 18-mid leaf cells (120 µm).MeteoriaceaePapillaria Africana (C. Mull.) Jaeg. (fig. 9)MSC304dAltitude: 2450 m.Plant epiphyte, main stem long, secondary stems numerous, long and hanging, pinnated. Leaves ovate acute, with wider lower portion rounded in to the base; apex subulate, margin entire, nerve single, not reaching apex. Cells elliptical, hexagonal, alar cells quadrate.Legend: 19-part of plant (x 7); 20-leaf (x 35); 21-apical leaf cells (15 µm); 22-mid leaf cells (17.5 µm); 23-alar cells (12.5 µm); 24-cells below leaf apex (12 µm); 25-plant habit (x 1).Pilotrichella cuspidate Broth. (fig. 9)MSC 30a, 303a, 317a, 320c.Altitude range: 2375-2450 m.Plants epiphytic, with short dendroid and long stems, more or less 2-pinnate, branchlets taper to a fine point. Leaves in regular rows, concave, ovate, nerveless, leaf margin lightly denticular in upper half. Basal alar leaf cells rhomboid, other cells elongate, vermicular.Legend: 26-leaf (x 30); 27-part of shoot (x 7); 28-plant habit (x 1/2); 29-alar cells (10 µm); 30-mid leaf cells (55 µm); 31-marginal leaf cells (25 µm).NeckeraceaeNeckera platyantha (C. Muell.) Par. (fig. 9)MSC 215, 501, 502Altitude: 3000 mPlants yellowish green, conspicuously flattened, pinnate or bipinnately branched. Epiphytic on Arundinaria alpina. Leaves complanate, sub-falcate, transversely undulate, tip apiculate, margin finely toothed near apex. Nerve double, short. Basal leaf cells elongate, mid leaf cells short, rhomboidal. Capsule immersed.Legend: 32-plant habit (x 1); 33-capsule among perichaetial leaves (3 mm); 34-leaf (x 16); 35-part of shoot (x 8); 36-marginal leaf cells (25 µm); 37-upper leaf cells (20 µm); 38-mid leaf cells (40µm).Porothamnium stipitatum (Mitt.) Touw ex De Sloover. (fig. 10)MSC 315c, 318b, 701, 707.Altitude range: 2250-2650 m.Plants rupicolous and epiphytic, green, robust, dendroid. Leaves distant on main stem, scale like leaves near base. Leaves concave, asymmetrical, oblong acuminate a clasping base, prominently serrate in upper two-thirds way up leaf. Mid leaf cells linear.Legend: 1-part of shoot (x 8); 2-plant habit (x 1/2); 3-leaf (x 16); 4-apicalleaf cells (27 µm); 5-mid leaf cells (55 µm); 6-marginal leaf cells (25 µm).Figure 10. Legend see text. 1-6 Porothamnium stipitatum; 7-12 Porotrichum molliculum; 13-18 Daltonia mildbraedii; 19-23 Cyclodictyon laetevilens; 24-28 Hypopterygium mildbraedii; 29-36 Thuidium matarumensePorotrichum molliculum Broth. (fig. 10)MSC 318bAltitude: 2400 m.Plants erect, robust, bipinnate, more or less dendroid, small leaved at base. Leaves concave, asymmetrical, oval; margiri serrated. Nerve ending more than halfway up leaf. Stem leaves larger than branch leaves, otherwise similar.Legend: 7-part of shoot (x 5); 8-plant habit (x. 1); 9-mid leaf cells (25 µm); 10-leaf (x 10); 11-apical leaf cells (10 µm); 12-niarginalleaf cells (10 µm).DaltoniaceaeDaltonia mildbraedii Broth. (fig. 10)P 9235/KAltitude: 3000 m.Plant epiphytic on bamboo. Stems short, 1-2 cm long. Leaves elongate lanceolate, nerve ending below apex. Basal alar cells brown, rhomboidal, marginal cells elongate narrow 10-12 rows; mid leaf cells rectangular. Capsule subglobular, hairy calyptra, peristome teeth pale green; seta reddish brown.Legend: 13-plant with sporophyte (x 5); 14-capsule with hairy calyptra (1 mm); 15-mid leaf cells (40 µm); 16-basal alar leaf cells (10 µm); 17-marginal leaf cells (10 µm); 18-leaf (x 10).HookeriaceaeCyclodictyon laetevirens (Hook. & Tayl.) Mitt. (fig. 10)BR 91/130fAltitude: 3050 m.Plants light green, soft, slender. Stems creeping to 1.5 cm long. Leaves asymmetrical, oval, apex apiculate, margin entire, bordered. Nerve double, unequal length. Leaf cells hexagonal generally, more elongate towards base, narrow, linear at margin forming border.Legend: 19-part of shoot (x 5); 20-leaf (x 15); 21-mid leaf cells (25 µm); 22-apicalleaf cells (70 µm); 23-marginalleaf cells (70 µm).HookeriaceaeHypopterygium mildbraedii Broth. (fig. 10)MSC 319eAltitude: 2400 m.Plants light green, epiphytic. Primary stems prostrate, secondary stems erect. Leaves dimorphic, in 3 ranks, lateral leaves larger. third rank smaller. Leaves ovate, apiculate, asymmetrical, margins bordered, margin near apex weakly serrate. Nerve ending before apex.Legend: 24-part of plant (x 7); 25-leaf (x 9); 26-apicalleaf cells (110 µm); 27-mid leaf cells (50 µm); 28-plant habit (x 1/4).ThuidlaceaeThuidium matarumense Besch. (fig. 10)MSC217Altitude: 3000 mFigure 11. Legend see text. 1-5 Calliergon sarmentosum; 6-10 Cratoneuron filicinum; 11-15 Brachythecium plumosum; 16-20 Brachythecium sp. 1; 21-25 Brachythecium sp. 2; 26-31 Brachythecium sp. 3Plants rupicolous, yellowish green to brown; branches bipinnate to tripinnate. Stem with abundant paraphyllia. Stem leaves broadly triangular ovate, longitudinally plicate when wet, apex straight to flexuose, gradually narrowed into a filiform leaf tip; margin recurved above leaf base. Cells brownish, short rectangular, papillose; nerve prominent leaves, ovate with acute apex; margin coarsely serrulate by projecting cells.Legend: 29-part of shoot (x 8); 30-plant habit (x 1); 31-leaf with paraphyllia (x 80); 32-apical leaf cells (15 µm); 33-marginal leaf cells (12 µm); 34-papillose mid leaf cells (15 µm); 35-papillose back of young leaf (10 µm); 36-paraphyllia (120 µm).AmblystegiaceaeCalliergon sarmentosum (Wahl.) Kindb. (fig. 11)MSC 173, 180, 140.Altitude range: 3650-4490 m.Plants terricolous, brownish green, forming tufts. Stems to 8 cm long, much branched. Leaves reddish, concave, lanceolate, apex rounded or with short apiculus, nerve to three-quarters or more up leaf. Basal alar cells rectangular, hyaline; cells above linear rhomboidal.Legend: 1-plant (x 2); 2, 3-leaves (x 20); 4-mid leaf cells (55 µm); 5-basal alar cells (25 µm).AmblystegiaceaeCratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Broth. (fig. 11)MSC 95Altitude: 4350 mPlants terricolous, robust, irregularly branched. Stem erect to 5 cm. long. Stem leaves concave, broad base to acuminate apex, nerve stout. Basal leaf -cells rounded, elsewhere oblong rhomboidal.Legend: 6-plant habit (x 21/2;); 7-part of plant (x 10); 8-marginalleaf cells (20 µm); 9-basal leaf cells (25 µm); 10-leaf (x 35).BrachytheciaceaeBrachythecium plumosum (Hedw.) B & S. (fig. 11)MSC 230c, 174a, 187bAltitude range: 3000-4200 mPlants terricolous, rupicolous and epiphytic, robust, golden brown, branched. Leaves near tip turned to one side, concave, ovate lanceolate, base asymmetrical, margin recurved near base, denticulate; nerve to above 1/2 way up leaf. Basal leaf cells shortly rectangular, mid leaf cells linear.Legend: 11-part of plant (x 10); 12-leaf (x 25); 13-basalleaf cells (12.5µm); 14-mid leaf cells (35 µm); 15-plant habit (x 1).Brachythecium sp. 1 (fig. 11)MSC 117bAltitude: 4300 mPlants green above, brown below. Leaves narrowly ovate lanceolate, plicate; margin entire or finely toothed; nerve 1/2 way up leaf. Basal leaf cells short, roundish; elsewhere elongate.Legend: l6-leaf (x 25); 17-part of plant (x 10); 18-marginal leaf cells (70 µm); 19-basalleaf cells (25 µm); 20-plant habit (x 1).Figure 12. Legend see text. 1-6 Brachythecium sp. 4; 7-12 Brachythecium sp. 5; 13-18 Wijkia trichocolea; 19-22 Hypnum cupressiforme; 23-27 Hypnum cupressiforme var.ericetorom; 28-33 Hylocomium splendensBrachythecium sp. 2 (fig. 11)MSC 123cAltitude: 4400 mPlants small, slender, pale green, branched. Leaves ovate lanceolate, tapering to a long fine point; margin finely toothed; nerve 1/2 way up leaf. Basal leaf cells short rectangular round, elsewhere elongate.Legend: 21-part of shoot (x 10); 22-leaf; 23-marginal leaf cells (40 µm); 24-mid leaf cells (60 µm); 25-basal leaf cells (15 µm).Brachythecium sp. 3 (fig. 11)MSC 104bAltitude: 3950 mPlants golden brown, branched. Leaves ovate lanceolate tapering to a fine narrow apex, margin entire, finely denticulate near apex; nerve up to mid leaf. Basal leaf cells small, round, elsewhere elongate.Legend: 26-part of shoot (x 15); 27-plant habit (x 2); 28-leaf (x 15); 29-apical leaf cells (50 µm); 30-mid leaf cells (40 µm); 31-basalleaf cells (15 µm).Brachythecium sp. 4 (fig. 12)MSC 179bAltitude: 4200 mPlants in compact tufts, yellowish green above, light brown to brown below. Stems to 8.5 cm long, branched. Leaves ovate lanceolate, nerve single, to more than 1/2 way up leaf. Basal leaf cells round oblong, elsewhere linear.Legend: 1-part of shoot (x 8); 2-plant habit (x 1/2); 3-apicalleaf cells (90 µm); 4-leaf (x 20); 5-basal leaf cells (25 µm); 6-marginalleaf cells (60 µm).Brachythecium sp. 5 (fig. 12)MSC 179aAltitude: 4200 mPlants yellowish green, forms compact tufts. Stems to 3 cm long, branching near base. Leaves ovate lanceolate, nerve single to 3/4 way up leaf. Basal leaf cells short rectangular, elsewhere linear.Legend: 7-part of shoot (x 10); 8-apical leaf cells (60 µm); 9-marginal leaf cells (70 µm); 10-basal leaf cells (40 µm); 11-leaf (x 15); 12-plant habit (x 1/2).SematophyllaceaeWijkia trichocolea (C. Mull.) Crum. (fig. 12)MSC 307dAltitude: 2400 m.Plant terricolous, prostrate, laxly matted, usually brown. Stem bipinnate. Stem leaves oval acuminate, nerveless, margin entire, alar cells shortly rectangular, brown. Branch leaves lanceolate, margin finely denticulate, alar cells rectangular to oblong, light brown.Legend: 13-apical leaf cells (35 µm); 14-stem leaf (x 20); 15-branch leaf (x 15); 16-mid leaf cells (50 µm); 17-alar cells of stem leaf (35 µm); 18-alar cells of branch leaf (35 µm).HypnaceaeHypnum cupressiforme Hedw. (fig. 12)MSC 52, 14, 66b, 74, 155b, 231a, 12a, 198, 194,267, 46a, 44b, 269a, 235b, 20aAltitude range: 2900-4490 mPlants terricolous and epiphytic, robust, golden brown to light green, pinnately branched. Stem leaves ovate lanceolate, concave, leaf tip turned to one side, margin entire, nerve short, double. Branch leaves similar to stem leaves but smaller. Basal (alar) cells short, rectangular, brown, elsewhere vermicular.Legend: 19-part of shoot (x 4); 20-mid leaf cells (70 µm); 21-basal (alar) leaf cells (15 µm); 22-leaf (x 30).Hypnum cupressiforme var. ericetorum B & S (fig. 12)MSC 214aAltitude: 4490 mPlants terricolous, robust, branched. Leaves ovate lanceolate, concave, strongly curved giving a hooked effect to the tips; margin entire; nerveless. Basal (alar) cells short, rectangular, brown, elsewhere vermicular.Legend: 23-leaf (x 35); 24-part of shoot (x 6); 25-basal (alar) leaf cells (15 µm); 26-mid leaf cells (60 µm); 27-plant habit (x 1).HylocomiaceaeHylocomium splendens (Hedw.) B & S (fig. 12)MSC266, 241b, 104a, 231b, 148a, 105b, 187aAltitude range: 3000-4000 mPlants terricolous, green to yellowish green, forming mats, branching bipinnate. Stems creeping, bright red, abundant paraphyllia on stem. Stem leaves concave, broadly ovate but abruptly narrowed to short tip; margin denticulate; nerve double. Branch leaves similar to stem leaves but smaller. Basal leaf cells brown, opaque, incrassate, rectangular, elsewhere linear.Legend: 28-part of shoot (x 8); 29, 30-branch leaves (x 30); 31-stem leaf (x 40); 32-apical leaf cells (25 µm); 33-paraphyllia (0.5 mm).= HEPATICOPSIDA =HerbertaceaeHerbenus dicranus (Tayl.) Steph. (fig. 13)MSC 155a, 227, 226, 233, 516Altitude range: 3000-3600 m.Plants rupicolous, reddish brown, ascending, branched, anisophyllous. Leaves bilobed, lobe lanceolate, acuminate; medium cells elongated with pitted walls, forming a vitta extending into lobes, other cells more or less isodiametric, trigones prominent.Legend: 1-plant (x 21/2;); 2, 3-lateral leaf lobes (x 25); 4, 5-underleaves (x 50); 6-mid leaf lobe cells (24 µ).BlepharostomaceaeBlepharostoma trichophyllum (L.) Dumort. (fig. 13)MSC 603Altitude: 4200 m.Plants terricolous, slender, pale green forming small patches or growing among other bryophytes. Stem to 1 cm long, procumbent to ascending, branching irregular. Leaves distant, transversely inserted, divided almost to base into three uniseriate filaments, each of 710 cells. Underleaves usually three lobed, lobes similar to leaf filaments. Inflorescence terminal, perianth subcylindrical, contracted to ciliated mouth.Legend: 7-part of shoot (x 80); 8-part of plant (x 120); 9-leaf lobe (x 150); 10-perianth mouth (x 250); 11-capsule within perianth (x 250).IsotachidaceaeIsotachis aubertii (Schw.) Mitt. (fig. 13)MSC 603, 509Altitude range: 30004200 m.Plants very small size, pale green. Leaves ovate, bilobed, sinus obtuse. Underleaves ovate, margin dentate.Legend: 12-part of shoot (x 70); 13-leaf (x 25); 14, 15-underleaves (x 30); 16-mid leaf cells (50 µm).LepidoziaceaeLepidozia stuhlmanii Steph. (fig. 13)Br 101a, 23Altitude: 3530 m.Plants small to medium size, dull or pale green to cream. Stems prostrate to ascending. Stems 1 to 2-pinnate. Leaves distant to imbricate, incubous, asymmetrical, obliquely inserted, 25 lobed to 1/43/4. Underleaves smaller than leaves. Inflorescences on short, ventral branches. Male bracts smaller than or of similar size to leaves, concave, 23 lobed. Female bracts much larger than leaves, entire or toothed at apex.Legend: 17-plant (x 15); 18-part of plant (x 20); 19-mid leaf lobe cells (40 µm).CalypogeiaceaeCalypogeia afrocaerulea E.W. Jones (fig. 13)Br 91/100bAltitude: 3530 m.Plants terricolous, small, pale green to greyish green to bluish. Stems prostrate to ascending, sparsely branched. Leaves incubous, distant to imbricate, spreading horizontally, ovate to broadly ovate or triangular. Apex rounded to acute, obliquely inserted. Cells large, thin walled, with or without small trigones. Oil bodies compound, blue. Underleaves wider than stem, rounded, bilobed.Legend: 20-part of shoot (x 30); 21-leaf lobe (x 50); 22-underleaf (x 100); 23-mid leaf lobe cells (40 µm).LophoziaceaeChandonanthus hirtellus (Weber) Mitt. (fig. 13)MSC 3, 228Altitude range: 30003100 m.Plants epiphytic, yellowish brown, forming dense mats. Stems 1015 cm long. Leaves imbricate, deeply lobed, margins ciliate. Trigones present. Underleaves deeply lobed, similar to leaves. Capsule terminal, elongate, to globose, dehiscence by four longitudinal slits.Legend: 24-plant with sporophyte (x 1); 25-exposed capsule (x 65); 26, 27-exposed capsules (x 40); 28-part of shoot with sporophyte (x 7); 29-underleaf (x 30); 30, 31-leaves (x 30).Figure 13. Legend see text. 1-6 Herbertus dicranus; 7-11 Blepharostoma trichophyllum; 12-16 Isotachis aubertii; 17-19 Lepidozia stuhlmanii; 20-23 Calypogeia afrocaerolea; 24-31 Chandonanthus hirtellus.Tetralophozia cavallii (Gola) Vana. (fig. 14)Br 91/112bAltitude: 3430 m.Plants small, brown, growing in tufts on rock surfaces. Stems to 2 cm long. Leaves imbricate, deeply lobed, ciliate towards leaf leaf base. Trigones present. Underleaves deeply lobed, similar to leaves.Legend: 1-part of shoot (x 20); 2-underleaf (x 30); 3, 4-leaves (x 30); 5-mid leaf cells (10 µm).Lophozia decolorans (Limpr.) Steph. (fig. 14)MSC 213cAltitude: 4490 m.Plants very small, brown, grow intermingled with Racomitrium sp. Stems to 4 mm long. Leaves concave, bilobed to about 1/3 its length, lobes rectangular, hyaline; underleaves absent.Legend: 6-part of shoot (x 190); 7-leaf (x 200); 8-mid leaf cells (20 µm); 9-gemmae (15 µm), 10-part of fertile shoot (x 140).Anastrophyllum auritum Steph. (fig. 14)MSC 530Altitude: 3500 m.Plants rupicolous, small, brownish black growing on rock surfaces. Stems erect to ascending, up to 3 cm long, branched. Leaves reddish brown, concave, asymmetrical, somewhat distant, bilobed to about 1/3, sinus acute. Cells hexagonal to elongated. Trigones present. Underleaves absent.Legend: 11-leaf lobe (x 55); 12-leaf lobe tip cells (15 µm); 13-plant (x 30); 14-fertile shoot (x 30).ScapaniaceaeDiplophyllum africanum S. Arm. (fig. 14)MSC 525Altitude: 3500 m.Plants pale green, delicate, small; growing in tufts. Leaves bilobed, imbricate, margin entire. Lobule length about 2/3 that of lobe. Leaf lobe without vitta. Underleaves absent.Legend: 15-part of shoot (x 35); 16-leaf (x 50); 17-mid leaf lobe cells (15 µm).Scapania hedbergii S. Am. (fig. 14)MSC 604, 601, 599, 588, 532Altitude range: 42004400 m.Plants terricolous, small, green to brown, prostrate to erect, growing on alluvial soil. Shoots arising from creeping rhizomatous stems. Stems to 2 cm long. Leaves bilobed, conduplicate, dorsal lobe more or less undulate, appressed to ventral lobe; margin denticulate, wavy. Cells with trigones. Underleaves absent.Legend: 18-part of shoot (x 60); 19-marginal leaf lobe cells (30 µm); 20-leaf (x 150).LophocoleaceaeLophocolea cuspidata (Nees.) Limpr. (fig. 14)MSC 315dAltitude: 2400 m.Plants epiphytic, small. Leaves 12 mm long, asymmetrical, bilobed, sinus broad and lunate; lobes long and finely apiculate, the apiculi parallel or diverging, ending in 24Figure 14. Legend see text. 1-5 Tetralophozia cavallii; 6-10 Lophozia decolorans; 11-14 Anastrophyllum auritum; 15-17 Diplophyllum africanum; 18-20 Scapania hedbergii; 21-23 Lophocolea cuspidata; 24-29 Plaglochila squamulosa var. squamulosaor more uniseriate cells. Cells thin walled. Trigones absent. Underleaves deeply bilobed narrowly triangular, laciniae each with a subsidiary tooth near base of outer margin.Legend: 21-part of plant (x 70); 22, 23-cells of apiculi (25 µm).PlagiochilaceaePlagiochila squamulosa Mitt. var. squamulosa (fig. 14)MSC 304cAltitude: 2450 m.Plants epiphytic, robust, forming pendant pinnate shoots. Older parts of stem devoid of leaves. Stem up to 12 cm long. Leaves triangular, margin dentate, teeth spiniform. Trigones small. Underleaves absent. Numerous paraphyllia present on stem.Legend: 24-plant habit (x 1); 25, 26-part of shoot (x 15); 27-leaf (x 20); 28-teeth on leaf margin (whole tooth = 53 µm); 29-mid leaf cells (30 µm).Plagiochila ericicola Steph. (fig. 15)Ag 1021Altitude: 3000 m.Plants brownish. Stem up to 8 cm long, branched. Leaves triangular, margin dentate. Trigones small. Underleaves absent.Legend: 1-plant (x 4); 2-part of plant (x 30); 3-plant habit (x 5); 4-teeth on leaf margin (whole tooth = 40 µm); 5, 6-leaves (x 50).Plagiochila pectinata (Willd.) Ldbg. (fig. 15)MSC 315eAltitude: 2400 m.Plants green when fresh. Stems to 3 cm long, much branched. Leaves distant, narrowly triangular ovate about one and a half times as long as wide; base cuneate; antical margin entire with tooth at apex. Postical margin slightly arched to syraight, the distal half to two-thirds with triangular teeth. Trigones prominent and large.Legend: 7-part of shoot (x 15); 8-tooth from leaf lobe (whole tooth = 70 µm); 9-leaf lobe (x 35).Plagiochila barteri Mitt. (fig. 15)MSC 225Altitude: 3400 m.Plants robust, up to 8 cm long, 6mm broad, little branched. Leaves imbricate, triangular, margin dentate around apex. Trigones small. Underleaves absent.Legend: 10-sucubous leaf arrangement (x 6); 11-part of shoot (x 5); 12-teeth on leaf margin (whole tooth = 35 µm); 13-leaf lobe (x 15).CephaloziaceaeCephaloziella sp. (fig. 15)Br 91/19Altitude: 3500 m.Plants small, pale green. Leaves bilobed to about 1/2 or more, sinus acute. Leaf margin entire. Trigones absent.Legend: 14, 15-leaves (50 µm); 16-plant (x 100).RadulaceaeRadula recurvifolia Steph. (fig. 15)MSC 318dAltitude: 2400 m.Figure 15. Legend see text. 1-6 Plagiochila ericicola; 7-9 Plagiochila pectinata; 10-13 Plagiochila barteri; 14-16 Cephaloziella sp.; 17-22 Radula recurvifolla; 23-28 Porel1a abyssinicaPlants epiphytic, prostrate, greenish to brownish black, branching pinnate. Leaves spreading more or less horizontally, bilobed almost to base, dorsal lobes incubous, imbricate, orbicular to ovate, crossing stem on dorsal side, ventral lobe smaller than dorsal lobe, leaf margin entire. Cells hexagonal, oil bodies very large rendering cells opaque. Male inflorescence spike-like with saccate male organs. Female inflorescence terminal, bracts asymmetrically bilobed. Perianth smooth, narrowed to wide mouth.Legend: 17-part of plant (x 15); 18-young sporophyte with bracts at base (x 20); 19-part of plant showing two male organs towards plant apex and mature capsule within perianth (x 20); 20-leaf lobe (x 15); 21-perianth with exposed capsule (x 20); 22-cells with single large oil bodies (190 µm).PorellaceaePorella abyssinica (Nees) Trev. var. hoehnelii (Steph.) Pócs (fig. 15)MSC 20b, 230b, 237, 303b, 319bAltitude range: 27503000 m.Plants terricolous, rupicolous and epiphytic, robust, brownish green, branching bipinnate from rhizomatous base. Leaves bilobed, conduplicate, dorsal lobe large, oblong-oval, ventral lobe smaller, almost parallel to stem, oblong-oval, often equal to size of underleaves. Leaf margins entire. Cells hexagonal. Underleaves oblong-oval, 1.5 times as wide as stem; apex rounded.Legend: 23-plant habit (x 1); 24-ventral surface of plant showing the vertical position of underleaves (u) and bilobed leaves (If) (x 5); 25-dorsal surface of plant part (x 5); 26-leaf lobe (x 15); 27-underleaf (x 15); 28-mid leaf cells (25 µm).FrullaniaceaeFrullania arecae (Spreng.) Gott. (fig. 16)MSC 503Altitude: 3000 m.Plants robust, greenish brown epiphyte. Stems to 3 cm long, branching irregular. Dorsal leaf lobe broadly ovate, concave. Ventral lobe helmet-shaped. Leaf cells irregularly polygonal, trigones prominent. Underleaves suborbicular bilobed to about 1/10 down underleaf, rounded sinus. Female inflorescence terminal. Perianth narrowed to beaklike mouth. Capsule spherique.Legend: 1-plant (x 15); 2-underleaves (x 35); 3-underleaves (x 30); 4-ventral surface underleaves removed (x 30); 5-mid leaf cells (24 µm); 6-ventral surface showing position of underleaf (x 30).Frullania shimperi Nees var. shimperi (fig. 16)MSC 587, 512Altitude range: 30003300 m.Plants epiphytic, copper brown to black. Leaves bilobed, dorsal lobe oval, concave, entire, incurved at summit; ventral lobe saccate, two times taller than wide. Cells polygonal-rounded, trigones present. Underleaves bilobed.Legend: 7-plant habit (x 2); 8-part of shoot (x 40); 9-part of shoot (x 35); 10-ventral surface of shoot(x 40); 11-leaf lobe with lobule (x 50); 12-leaf lobe (x 50); 13-mid leaf cells (15 µm).LejeuneaceaeLejeunea flava (Sw.) Nees (fig. 16)Br 91/89, 91/123aFigure 16.Legend see text. 1-6 Frullania arecae; 7-13 Frullania shimperi; 14-19 Lejeunea flava; 20-22 Cheilolejeunea cordistipula; 23-25 Drepanolejeunea friesii; 26-33 Cheilolejeunea pluriplicata.Altitude range: 30003060 m.Plants yellowish green, small, epiphytic on Arundinaria alpina. Leaf lobe ovate, apex rounded, lobule reduced to a small fold. Underleaves small, two times width of stem, bilobed to middle. Leaf and underleaf margin entire.Legend: 14-ventral surface of fertile shoot (x 80); 15-ventral surface of sterile shoot (x 80); 16-leaf lobe (0.7 mm); 17-underleaf (400 µm); 18-mid leaf cells (40 µm); 19-leaf lobule (30 µm).Cheilolejeunea cordistipula (Steph.)Grolle ex E.W. Jones (fig. 16)Br 91/91eAltitude: 3350 m.Plants pale green, minute, epiphytic on Phillipia sp.. Leaves ovate, concave, lobule prominent reaching halfway to apex of lobe. Underleaves orbicular, bilobed to 1/4 their length, sinus narrow, acute.Legend: 20-part of shoot (x 100); 21-leaf lobule (single cell = 20 µm); 22-leaf lobe and lobule (x 100).Drepanolejeunea friesii Vanden Berghen (fig. 16)Br 123cAltitude: 3000 m.Plants yellowish green, minute, epiphytic on Arundinaria alpina. Leaf lobe oval, concave, narrowed to acuminate apex, margin entire. Lobule lanceolate. Underleaves V-shaped.Legend: 23-part of shoot (x 90); 24-leaf (x 180); 25-underleaf (single cell = 15 µm).Cheilolejeunea pluriplicata (Pears.) Schust. (fig. 16)Br 91/91a, 91/91c, 91/123bAltitude range: 30003350 m.Plants yellowish green, minute, epiphytic on Phillipia sp. and Arundinaria alpinia. Leaf lobe concave, margin entire; lobule small, cells irregularly polygonal. Underleaves orbicular, bilobed to less than 1/4 their length, sinus acute. Perianth cylindrical, plicate, reduced to a beak.Legend: 26-part of shoot (x 60); 27, 28-fertile shoots (x 60); 29-ventral surface of shoot (x 80); 30-underleaf (x 100); 31-mid leaf cells (20 µm); 32-leaf lobe and lobule (x 110); 33-lobule (single cell = 20 µm).DilaenaceaeJensenia spinosa (Lindenb. & Bott.) Grolle (fig. 17)MSC 5Altitude: 3000 m.Thallus terricolous, olivaceous green, dendroid up to 4.5 cm long, in the lower portion reduced to stem-like midrib, in upper part winged and bifurcate, margin dentate, teeth three to four cells long.Legend: 1-fertile thallus (x 15); 2-vegetative thalli (x 10); 3-archegonia (x 20); 4 antheridia (x 30); 5-tooth (whole tooth = 135 µm).Calycularia crispula Mitt. (fig. 17)MSC 511Altitude: 3000 m.Thallus 1.5cm broad, 2.5 cm long, dichotomously branched, margins strongly undulate, midrib prominent. Abundant rhizoids on ventral surface, scales difficult to locate.Legend: 9-thallus (x 3); 10-dorsalsurface cells (45 µm).Figure 17. Legend see text. 1-5 Jensenia spinosa; 6-8 Riccardia fastigiata; 9-10 Calycularia crispula; 11-14 Metzgeria convexa; 15-19 Lunularia cruciata; 20-25 Marchantia polymorpha.AneuraceaeRiccardia fastigiata (L.& L.) S. Arn. (fig. 17)MSC 123bAltitude: 4400 m.Thallus light green. Main axis give off branches at about 45 degrees. Apices have a shallow incision at growing points. Cells thin walled.Legend: 6-thallus (x 25); 7-dorsal surface cells (20 µm); 8-thallus apex (x 30).MetzgeriaceaeMetzgeria convexa Vanden Berghen (fig. 17)MSC 524, 538Altitude range: 3400-4300 m.Thallus yellowish green, 0.5-1.5 cm long, irregular dichotomous branching. Dorsal surface convex, midrib prominent, marginal hairs abundant. Surface cells hexagonal.Legend: 11-thallus with propagules (x 25); 12-thallus with antheridia (x 30); 13-propagule (x 45); 14-thallus with archegonium (x 25).LunulariaceaeLunularia cruciata (L.) Dum. (fig. 17)MSC 220b, 329.Altitude range: 2350-3000 m.Thallus green, 1.8 cm broad, branching irregular. Dorsal surface-lunate cups containing discoid gemmae; ventral surface-lunate scales, smooth, tuberculate hyaline rhizoids.Legend: 15-thallus-dorsal surface (x 6); 16-thallus-ventral surface showing scales; 17-discoid gemma (x 120); 18-thallus with lunate cup containing discoid gemmae (x 6, individual cells = 240 µm); 19-longitudinal section. of air chamber (cell of lower surface = 250 µm).MarchantiaceaeMarchantia polymorpha L. (fig. 17)MSC 118aAltitude: 4200 m.Thallus terricolous, dark green, 1.9cm broad, branching dichotomous. Hexagonal areolae on dorsal surface, pores with four guard cells. Gemma cups with toothed margins, contains shallowly bilobed discoid gemmae. Ventral surface-scales reddish, hyaline; rhizoids smooth, tuberculate.Legend: 20-thallus-dorsal surface (x 3); 21-air pore (individual cell = 45 µm); 22-discoid gemma (x 125); 23, 24-margins of gemma cup (margin tooth = 250 µm); 25-longitudinal section of air chamber (individual cell of upper surface = 40 µm).Dumortiera hirsuta (Sw.) Nees. (fig. 18)MSC 315aAltitude: 2400 m.Thallus terricolous, dark green. Thallus without pores, air chambers or ventral scales. Thallus margin undulate, wings more or less translucent; midrib present. Rhizoids abundant on ventral surface.Legend: 1- thallus seen from ventral side (x 2); 2-thallus with receptacles seen from dorsal side (x 1½).Figure 18. Legend see text. 1-2 Dumortiera hirsuta; 3-6 Phaeoceros laevisAnthocerotaceaePhaeoceros laevis Prosk. (fig. 18)MSC 321Altitude: 2375 m.Thalli dull green, lobed, margins undulate. Sporophytes common.Legend: 3-thallus with young sporophytes (x 5); 4-spores (35 µm); 5-sporophytes (x 6); 6-pseudoelater (cell = 30 µm).GLOSSARYantical = upper or dorsal side or margin relative to substrateapiculate = possessing projection at apexciliate = possessing hair-like uniseriate structurescomplanate = more or less flattened in one planeconcave = saucer-shaped when viewed from dorsal sideconduplicate = of bilobed leaves with the two lobes folded together face to facecuneate = wedge-shapeddendroid = tree-like in habitdenticulate = finely toothedelliptical = with convex sidesentire = smooth, not toothedfalcate = curved like a sicklefiliform = thread-likeglobose = more or less spherical in shapehabit = appearance of a planthair-point = hair-like leaf tipformed by long excurrent nerveimbricate = overlappingincrassate = thick-walledincubous = forward margin of one leaf overlies rear margin of leaf in frontlobule = term applied to small ventral lobe of leaf in Lejeuneaceae and Radulaceaelunate = shaped like a crescent moonoblong = rectangular with rounded cornersparaphyllia = small, variously divided structures on stem between he leavesperianth = protective tubular structure formed from the fusion of two leaves following fertilisation of an archegoniumperichaetial = used of the leaves or bracts immediately enclosing the archegoniapinnate = with spreading branches produced more or less regularly on either side of stemplicate = possessing longitudinal foldspostical = lower or ventral side relative to substrateprocumbent = prostratepseudoelater = irregular-shaped sterile cellsquadrate = with four sidesof more or less equal lengthrecurved = curved down and backwardsrhomboidal = more or less diamond-shapedserrate = regularly toothedsinus = indentation between two lobes of a leafsubulate = possessing needle-like pointtrigones = thickening at cell angletuft = growth form of erect shootsunderleaves = third row of leaves on the ventral side of the stemundulate = wavyuniseriate = with cells in a single rowvitta = band of elongated cells in a leafACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe work was supported financially by the Deans' Committee Grants from the University of Nairobi. The author is also grateful to Dr J. Else, Deputy Director, Scientific Services, Kenya Wildlife Services; to Mr. B. Woodley, Warden, Mt. Kenya National Park for field work facilities and to Mrs. A.M. DeRoux for assistance in the drawings.BIBLIOGRAPHYArgent, G.C.G. (1973). A taxonomic study of African Pterobryaceae and Meteoriaceae. I -Pterobryaceae. Journal of Bryology 7: 353-378.Arnell, S. (1956). Hepaticae collected by O. Hedberg et al on the East African Mountains. Arkiv For Botanik 2, 3, 16: 517-562.Arnell, S. (1963). Hepaticaefor South Africa. 411pp. Stockholm 1963.Chuah-Petiot, M.S. (1973). A taxonomic study of African Pterobryaceae and Meteoriaceae. II -Pterobryaceae. Journal of Bryology 7: 563-602.Chuah-Petiot, M.S. (1994). Western mount Kenya Bryophytes-II. Journal of East African Natural History 83: 199-208.Demaret, F. (1952). Complement a l'etude des especes africaines du genre Cyclodictyon Mitt. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de l'Etat. 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M. S. Chuah-Petiot "Western Mount Kenya Bryophytes - III," Journal of East African Natural History 84(1), 39-63, (1 January 1995).[39:WMKBI]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 January 1995
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