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1 January 2004 New Plant Records For the K7 Floral Region, Kenya
Geoffrey Mwachala, Geoffrey Mungai, Beatrice Khayota
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NEW PLANT RECORDS FOR THE K7 FLORAL REGION, KENYAGeoffrey Mwachala, Geoffrey Mungai & Beatrice KhayotaEast African Herbarium, National Museums of KenyaP.O. Box 45166, 00100, Nairobi, Kenyaplants@africaonline. co. keDuring a botanical survey of the transition zone woodlands of the Taita Hills, the following plants were collected for the first time for the floral region K7. These new records were confirmed by reference to the East African Herbarium (EA) and literature, where available. All specimens cited are deposited at EA.AsclepiadaceaeTelosma africana (N.E.Br.) N.E.Br.Mwachala G. et al. in EW 3338, 6 Dec 2000.In the valley of the Mlashu river, Kighombo, 03°23'S38°27"E, 900 m.Identified by Quentin Luke.A climber with petals twisted in bud, these green and densely white-bearded on the inside, maroon on the outside.Occurs all over tropical Africa southwards into South Africa (Brown, 1908). This plant seems locally rare throughout its range, as indicated by its representation in EA. Nine specimens represent it from three countries (Tanzania, Sudan and Uganda), suggesting that it is not frequently encountered. This is a first record for Kenya (Faden et al., 1988; Roberstson & Luke, 1993; EA records). On the basis of its wide geographical distribution, its conservation status is assessed as Lower Risk-Least Concern (IUCN, 1994).ProteaceaeFaurea saligna Harv.Mwachala G. et al. in EW 811, 11 June 1998.Mwandongo Forest Reserve, 03°22'S38°23'E, 1080 m.Identified by G. Mwachala.A tree 4 m tall; leaves with red-brown veins, these especially conspicuous in the younger leaves. Woodland with Filicium decipiens (Wight & Arn.) Thwaites and Combretum molle G. DonMwachala G. et al. in EW1615, 23 June 1999.Choke village, 1 km down the stream from Choke Primary School, 03°21'S38°23E, 1095 m.These collections differ from those collected from other parts of the species range by having much broader leaves, over 4 cm wide, compared to under 3 cm wide in other areas. This is the first record for K7 (Faden et al., 1988; Roberstson & Luke, 1993; Beentje, 1994; Brummit & Marner, 1993). This species deserves more taxonomic study. Although leaf size and the red veins tend to Faurea wentzeliana Engl., the absence of rusty pubescence and larger anthers lead to F. saligna.This species occurs from Kenya southwards to Angola, Zimbabwe and South Africa. We assess its conservation status as Lower Risk-Least Concern (IUCN, 1994).Protea gaguedi J.F.Gmel.Mwachala G. et al. in EW 2503, 11 Aug 1999.Mnamu, c.2 km W of Mnamu Primary School, 03°27'S38°17'E, 1450 m.Identified by G. Mwachala.A tree 4 m tall, young foliage orange-red, flowers white with red-tinged bracts. In degraded, frequently burned Acacia-Combretum scrub.A first record for K7 (Faden et al., 1988, Roberstson & Luke, 1993; Beentje, 1994; Brummit & Marner, 1993). Four individual populations were found between 1998 and 2002, all within some 2 km⟨sup⟩2⟨/sup⟩. These populations deserve local conservation measures, owing to habitat shrinkage as a result of increasing human population and encroachment by invading aliens, especially wattle (Acacia mearnsii De Wild.) and blue gum (Eucalyptus sp.).This species occurs all over tropical Africa and extends south into South Africa and Namibia. Previous workers, for example Beard (1993), distinguish three subspecies, while Brummitt & Marner (1993) merge them all under a widely variable P. gaguedi. The epithet gaguedi is an Ethiopian vernacular name and should not be 'corrected' to 'gaguedii' (Brummitt & Marner, 1993).We assess its conservation status as Lower Risk-Least Concern (IUCN, 1994).ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe are grateful to Earthwatch Institute who provided funding as well as volunteers for the Rare Plants of Kenya project during which these discoveries were made. We are also grateful to our field assistants, Marcellino Mwatabu, Pascal Nyambu and Peter Boli, for enabling us reach these remote localities.REFERENCESBeard, J.S. (1993) The Proteas of Tropical Africa. Kangaroo Press, Sydney.Beentje, H.J. (1994). Kenya Trees, Shrubs and Lianas. National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi.Brown, N.E. (1908). Asclepiadeae. In William T. Thiselton-Dyer (ed.). Flora Capensis IV Section 1. Lovell Reeve & Co. Ltd., London. Pp. 775-777.Brummit, R.K. & S.K. Marner (1993). Proteaceae. In R.M. Polhill (ed.). Flora of Tropical East Africa. A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam & Brookfield.Faden, R.B., H.J.Beentje & D.O. Nyakundi (1988). Checklist of the forest plant species. In H.J. Beentje (ed.). An ecological and floristic study of the forests of the Taita Hills, Kenya. Utafiti 1(2): 43-66.IUCN (1994). IUCN Red List Categories. IUCN, Gland.Robertson, S.A. & W.R.Q. Luke (1993). Kenya Coastal Forests: Kenya Coast Forest Status, Conservation and Management .The Report of the National Museums of Kenya/World Wide Fund for Nature Coast Forest Survey, Nairobi. Unpublished.

Geoffrey Mwachala, Geoffrey Mungai, and Beatrice Khayota "New Plant Records For the K7 Floral Region, Kenya," Journal of East African Natural History 93(1), 79-80, (1 January 2004).[79:NPRFTK]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 January 2004
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