The development, survival, and reproduction of Liposcelis paeta Pearman (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae), an important insect pest of stored products, were evaluated at nine constant temperatures (20–40°C). Few insects could complete the development or reproduce at 20 or 40°C. Between 22.5 and 37.5°C, the developmental period from egg to adult varied from 45.4 d at 22.5°C to 11.5 d at 37.5°C. The lower temperature developmental thresholds were estimated at 18.1–21.9°C, and the upper temperature thresholds were 40.4–42.0°C. The percentage of survival from egg to adult was 52.79% at 32.5°C and 18.79% at 22.5°C. After emergence, the adult had a short preoviposition period that ranged from 6.3 d at 22.5°C to 0.8 d at 37.5°C. L. paeta produced the most eggs at 27.5°C and the fewest at 37.5°C. The population reared at 32.5°C had the highest intrinsic rate of increase compared with the other temperatures. Based on our data, the optimal range of temperature for L. paeta population growth was 30–35°C. These data give us better understanding of L. paeta population dynamics, and they can be used to develop effective management strategies for this psocid.