The southern chinch bug, Blissus insularis Barber (Hemiptera: Blissidae), is the most destructive insect pest of St. Augustinegrass, Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze. Management of B. insulaiis has depended on frequent insecticide applications, which has resulted in populations becoming resistant to several insecticide classes. To facilitate developing a resistance management program for this pest, it is necessary to develop methods to rear insects of known age, generation, and pesticide exposure history. Synchronized rearing methods were developed after testing five different laboratory methods. The use of glass jars and a combined diet of fresh corn, Zea mays L., cob and St. Augustinegrass proved to be best for producing B. insuhris of known age and generation. Body size was consistent over nine generations of rearing. Production of a high proportion of brachypterous B. insuhris (the nondispersal adult form) also suggests that populations were not stressed during laboratory rearing. This work presents the first successful synchronized rearing method for B. insuhris.