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1 June 2010 Habitat Affinity of Resident Natural Enemies of the Invasive Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae), on Soybean, with Comments onBiological Control
Michael J. Brewer, Takuji Noma
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We integrated a natural enemy survey of the broader landscape into a more traditional survey for Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), parasitoids and predatory flies on soybean using A. glycines-infested soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., placed in cropped and noncropped plant systems to complement visual field observations. Across three sites and 5 yr, 18 parasitoids and predatory flies in total (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae [two species] and Bracondae [seven species], Diptera: Cecidomyiidae [one species], Syrphidae [seven species], Chamaemyiidae [one species]) were detected, with significant variability in recoveries detected across plant system treatments and strong contrasts in habitat affinity detected among species. Lysiphlebus testaceipes Cresson was the most frequently detected parasitoid, and no differences in abundance were detected in cropped (soybean, wheat [Triticum aestivum L.], corn [Zea mays L.], and alfalfa [Medicago sativa L.]) and noncropped (poplar [Populus euramericana (Dode) Guinier] and early successional vegetation) areas. In contrast, Binodoxys kellggensis Pike, Starý & Brewer had strong habitat affinity for poplar and early successional vegetation. The low recoveries seasonally and across habitats of Aphelinus asychis Walker, Aphelinus sp., and Aphidius colemoni Viereck make their suitability to A. glycines on soybean highly suspect. The widespread occurrence of many of the flies reflects their broad habitat affinity and host aphid ranges. The consistent low field observations of parasitism and predation suggest that resident parasitoids and predatory flies are unlikely to contribute substantially to A. glycines suppression, at least during the conventional time period early in the pest invasion when classical biological control activities are considered. For selected species that were relatively well represented across plant systems (i.e., L. testaceipes and Aphidoletes aphidimyza Rondani), conservation biological control efforts may be fruitful. The additional information gained from expanding the natural enemy survey into the broader landscape was essential in making these distinctions relevant to conservation biological control, while adding agroecosystem-specific information valuable to classical biological control.

© 2010 Entomological Society of America
Michael J. Brewer and Takuji Noma "Habitat Affinity of Resident Natural Enemies of the Invasive Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae), on Soybean, with Comments onBiological Control," Journal of Economic Entomology 103(3), 583-596, (1 June 2010).
Received: 6 October 2009; Accepted: 1 February 2010; Published: 1 June 2010

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predatory flies
soybean aphid
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