Plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), adults were exposed to field-aged residues of thiamethoxam, acetamiprid, thiacloprid, indoxacarb, or azinphos-methyl on tart cherry, Prunus cerasus L. variety Montmorency. At 1, 3, 7, and 14 d postapplication, fruit were sampled for chemical residues, and bioassays were used to assess beetle mortality and plant tissue injury. Azinphos-methyl had lethal activity within 1 d of exposure at all postapplication intervals and significant fruit protection extended to 14 d postapplication. All of the neonicotinoids had lethal activity at 3 d posttreatment, with acetamiprid activity extending to 7 d. Antifeedant and oviposition deterrent effects were seen with thiamethoxam and thiacloprid; damage incidence was significantly reduced in the absence of significant beetle mortality or intoxication. Thiamethoxam and acetamiprid penetrated into leaf and fruit tissue and were detected in the interior tissues at 14 d postapplication, but interior thiacloprid residues were not detected after day 1. Indoxacarb provided some fruit protection out to 7 d postapplication, and 14-d-old residues intoxicated beetles, but the slow action of this compound allowed significant damage to occur before beetles were incapacitated. Indoxacarb was only detected as a surface residue after the first day postapplication. These data on the plant— insect—chemistry interactions will support use and management decisions as compounds with acute contact activity are phased out.
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1 August 2010
Plum Curculio (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Adult Mortality and Associated Fruit Injury After Exposure to Field-Aged Insecticides on Tart Cherry Branches
Eric J. Hoffmann,
Christine Vandervoort,
John C. Wise
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Journal of Economic Entomology
Vol. 103 • No. 4
August 2010
Vol. 103 • No. 4
August 2010
oviposition deterrent
plant—insect—chemistry triad
sublethal effects