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1 October 2010 Development of Virtual Bait Stations to Control Argentine Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Environmentally Sensitive Habitats
Dong-Hwan Choe, Richard S. Vetter, Michael K. Rust
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A novel bait station referred to as a virtual bait station was developed and tested against field populations of the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), at White Beach, Camp Pendleton, in Oceanside, CA. White Beach is a nesting habitat for an endangered seabird, the California least tern (Sterna antillarum browni Mearns). The beach is heavily infested with Argentine ants, one of the threats for the California least tern chicks. Conventional pest control strategies are prohibited because of the existence of the protected bird species and the site's proximity to the ocean. The bait station consisted of a polyvinyl chloride pipe that was treated on the inside with fipronil insecticide at low concentrations to obtain delayed toxicity against ants. The pipe was provisioned with an inverted bottle of 25% sucrose solution, then capped, and buried in the sand. Foraging ants crossed the treated surface to consume the sucrose solution. The delayed toxicity of fipronil deposits allowed the ants to continue foraging on the sucrose solution and to interact with their nestmates, killing them within 3–5 d after exposure. Further modification of the bait station design minimized the accumulation of dead ants in the sucrose solution, significantly improving the longevity and efficacy of the bait station. The virtual bait station exploits the foraging behavior of the ants and provides a low impact approach to control ants in environmentally sensitive habitats. It excluded all insects except ants, required only milligram quantities of toxicant, and eliminated the problem of formulating toxicants into aqueous sugar baits.

© 2010 Entomological Society of America
Dong-Hwan Choe, Richard S. Vetter, and Michael K. Rust "Development of Virtual Bait Stations to Control Argentine Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Environmentally Sensitive Habitats," Journal of Economic Entomology 103(5), 1761-1769, (1 October 2010).
Received: 27 April 2010; Accepted: 1 June 2010; Published: 1 October 2010

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California least tern
horizontal transfer
Linepithema humile
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