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8 April 2022 Cerambycid Pheromones 3,2-Hydroxyketones Affect Catches of Some Bark and Ambrosia Beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Ethanol-Baited Multiple-Funnel Traps in Southeastern United States
D. R. Miller, J. D. Sweeney
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In 2012–2013, we assessed the interactive effects of the cerambycid pheromones syn-2,3-hexanediol, 3-hydroxyhexan-2-one, and 3-hydroxyoctan-2-one on catches of bark and ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in ethanol-baited multiple-funnel traps in north Georgia and South Carolina. We found that catches for nine of eleven species of ambrosia beetles in ethanol-baited traps were either unaffected or enhanced by the addition of 3,2-hydroxyketones. Similarly catches of five species of bark beetles were either unaffected or enhanced by the addition of 3,2-hydroxyketones. In particular, catches of Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Motschulsky), Cnestus mutilatus (Blandford), and Monarthrum fasciatum (Say) in ethanol-baited traps increased with the addition of 3-hydroxyhexan-2-one and/or 3-hydroxyoctan-2-one. Catches of the bark beetles Hylocurus rudis (LeConte) and Hypothenemus rotundicollis (Eichhoff) were enhanced by the addition of 3-hydroxyhexan-2-one and 3-hydroxyoctan-2-one, respectively. syn-2,3-Hexanediol had no effect on catches of bark and ambrosia beetles in ethanol-baited traps. Our data provide support for the use of ethanol + cerambycid pheromones for targeting non-native species of bark and ambrosia beetles as well as cerambycids in detection programs.

Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America 2022. This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.
D. R. Miller and J. D. Sweeney "Cerambycid Pheromones 3,2-Hydroxyketones Affect Catches of Some Bark and Ambrosia Beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Ethanol-Baited Multiple-Funnel Traps in Southeastern United States," Journal of Economic Entomology 115(3), 792-798, (8 April 2022).
Received: 27 January 2022; Accepted: 28 February 2022; Published: 8 April 2022

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Cnestus mutilatus
Hypothenemus rotundicollis
Monarthrum fasciatum
Xylosandrus crassiusculus
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