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1 April 2005 Resistance to Rhopalosiphum padi (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Three Triticale Accessions
Louis S. Hesler
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Experiments were conducted to identify and characterize host plant resistance to bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), in various wheat and wheat–grass hybrids. Initial tests screened for resistance to R. padi among 12 grass accessions (eight wheat [Triticum aestivum L.], three triticale [XTriticosecale Wittmack], and 1XElytricum [Elytrigia elongata [Host] Nevski × Triticum aestivum hybrid]). R. padi had less population growth on triticale accessions ‘8TA5L’ (PI 611760) and ‘Stniism 3’ (PI 386156) than on other accessions, but nymphiposition by R. padi did not differ among the 12 accessions. Follow-up experiments were conducted to characterize antibiosis, antixenosis, and tolerance to R. padi in three wheat and three triticale accessions. In antibiosis experiments, Stniism 3 and triticale ‘H7089-52’ (PI 611811) prolonged time to reproduction by R. padi compared with that on wheat accessions ‘Arapahoe’ (PI 518591), ‘KS92WGRC24’ (PI 574479), and ‘MV4’ (PI 435095), whereas time to reproduction on 8TA5L was intermediate and did not differ from that on the other five accessions. Also, R. padi produced fewest progeny on Stniism 3, and fewer progeny on 8TA5L than on H7089-52, Arapahoe, KS92WGRC24, and MV4. Stniism 3 showed antixenosis, because fewer winged R. padi selected Stniism 3 than Arapahoe, H7089-52, or MV4 in choice tests. In tolerance experiments, a 300 aphid-day infestation of R. padi limited shoot length of Arapahoe and KS92WGRC24 plants. Shoot lengths did not differ between infested and noninfested seedlings of MV4, 8TA5L, H7089-52, and Stniism 3, indicating tolerance to R. padi in these accessions. Triticale accessions 8TA5L, H7089-52, and Stniism 3 and MV4 wheat may be meaningful sources of R. padi resistance for small-grain breeding programs, and Stniism 3 may be particularly valuable, given reports of its additional resistance to the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko).

Louis S. Hesler "Resistance to Rhopalosiphum padi (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Three Triticale Accessions," Journal of Economic Entomology 98(2), 603-610, (1 April 2005).
Received: 17 June 2004; Accepted: 1 December 2004; Published: 1 April 2005

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PI 386156
PI 611811
Rhopalosiphum padi
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