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1 October 2002 Priority research needs for the conservation of Neotropical migrant landbirds
Therese M. Donovan, Carol J. Beardmore, David N. Bonter, Jeffrey D. Brawn, Robert J. Cooper, Jane A. Fitzgerald, Robert Ford, Sidney A. Gauthreaux, T. Luke George, W. C. Hunter, Thomas E. Martin, Jeff Price, Kenneth V. Rosenberg, Peter D. Vickery, T. Bently Wigley
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Partners in Flight (PIF) is a consortium of professional and volunteer scientists and educators that promotes the conservation of landbird species. Central to the PIF conservation effort is the development of Bird Conservation Plans specific to each physiographic region of the United States. Without a coordinated prioritization of research needs, land managers, researchers, and funding agencies seeking to conserve landbirds lack direction. To address this issue, we (the Research Working Group of Partners in Flight) identified research priorities that have emerged recently as a result of Bird Conservation Plan development. Research priorities for the coming decade focus on habitat, specifically the identification of high-quality habitats and landscapes for breeding, migration, and wintering. Identification of the scale of breeding and natal dispersal and describing linkages between wintering and breeding populations are also research priorities for the coming decade. A summary of research priorities for each of the PIF regions (Northeast, Midwest, West, and South) is also provided. Specific research needs associated with priority species and habitats in each physiographic area can be accessed in a searchable database:

Therese M. Donovan, Carol J. Beardmore, David N. Bonter, Jeffrey D. Brawn, Robert J. Cooper, Jane A. Fitzgerald, Robert Ford, Sidney A. Gauthreaux, T. Luke George, W. C. Hunter, Thomas E. Martin, Jeff Price, Kenneth V. Rosenberg, Peter D. Vickery, and T. Bently Wigley "Priority research needs for the conservation of Neotropical migrant landbirds," Journal of Field Ornithology 73(4), 329-339, (1 October 2002).
Received: 26 February 2001; Accepted: 1 November 2001; Published: 1 October 2002

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conservation planning
habitat quality
Partners in Flight
population dynamics
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