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1 April 2004 Density and habitat use by owls in two Amazonian forest types
Sérgio Henrique Borges, Luiza Magalli Henriques, André Carvalhaes
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We conducted a short-term study on density and habitat use in an Amazonian owl assemblage. The census was conducted in terra-firme forest and black-water flooded forest or igapó forest. Six owl species were recorded, the Tropical Screech-owl (Otus choliba), the Tawny-bellied Owl (O. watsonii), the Black-banded Owl (Strix huhula), the Spectacled Owl (Pulsatrix perspicillata), the Ferruginous Pygmy-owl (Glaucidium brasilianum), and the Stygian Owl (Asio stygius). The most abundant species was the Tawny-bellied Owl (0.42 individuals/ha) followed by the Spectacled Owl (0.31 individuals/ha). Some species showed clear tendencies to use different habitats. The Tawny-bellied Owl was more abundant in terra-firme forest, while its congener, the Tropical Screech-owl, was much more common in igapó forest. The Stygian Owl and the Ferruginous Pygmy-owl were also recorded exclusively in the igapó forest census. These results indicate that terra-firme forest and igapó forest supported distinct owl assemblages. Our work and other studies suggest regional variability in owl density in Amazonia.

Sérgio Henrique Borges, Luiza Magalli Henriques, and André Carvalhaes "Density and habitat use by owls in two Amazonian forest types," Journal of Field Ornithology 75(2), 176-182, (1 April 2004).
Received: 29 July 2002; Accepted: 1 August 2003; Published: 1 April 2004

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Amazonian birds
census techniques
flooded forests
Neotropical owls
owl census
terra-firme forest
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