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1 September 2007 Case Studies of Dam Removal and TMDLs: Process and Results
Steve Tuckerman, Bill Zawiski
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Because of its storied history, the Cuyahoga River in Ohio is often used as a measure of progress toward water resource integrity within the United States. The river has shown dramatic chemical/physical water quality improvements but is still not fully attaining water quality goals due to impacts to the river from non-regulated sources. A section of the Clean Water Act entitled Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) provides a process to address these impacts. A TMDL report for the Cuyahoga River near Kent, Ohio recommended modification or removal of two dams to restore habitat and meet water quality objectives in the river. In response to the TMDL, the historic Kent dam was modified in 2004 and the Munroe Falls dam located approximately 5 miles downstream from the Kent dam was removed in 2005. The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency sampled fish and macroinvertebrate communities, evaluated habitat, and monitored dissolved oxygen concentrations in the middle section of the Cuyahoga River near Kent. Data showing marked improvements of the fish community less than 1 year after dam modifications in Kent and improved dissolved oxygen concentrations after the Munroe Falls dam removal are presented. This paper will also discuss and contrast methods of interacting with the public and local governments and propose guidance for future projects.

Steve Tuckerman and Bill Zawiski "Case Studies of Dam Removal and TMDLs: Process and Results," Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(sp2), 103-116, (1 September 2007).[103:CSODRA]2.0.CO;2
Received: 3 November 2006; Accepted: 4 May 2007; Published: 1 September 2007

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Cuyahoga River
river restoration
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