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1 September 2007 Research to Guide the Use of Lampricides for Controlling Sea Lamprey
D. Gordon McDonald, Cynthia S. Kolar
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This paper is one of a series supported by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission that describe research priorities related to each facet of the sea lamprey control program (assessment, pheromones, barriers and trapping, sterile males and lampricides). The specific focus of this paper is research needs related to the use of lampricides. To that end, we first provide a brief history of the lampricide control program and its processes and operations emphasizing the progress that has been made over the last 50 years. We then articulate research priorities for the continued improvement of lampricide use under four major categories; improving the effectiveness of lampricide treatments, improving the understanding of the effects of lampricides on non-target species, gaining a better understanding the mode(s) of toxic action of lampricides, and how they differ between lamprey and non-target species, and finally, initiatives designed to find new and more effective methods of applying existing lampricides and to develop new lampricides, based on new knowledge of chemical vulnerabilities unique to larval sea lamprey. Research priorities are summarized at the end of the paper and sources of additional information concerning lampricide research are provided.

D. Gordon McDonald and Cynthia S. Kolar "Research to Guide the Use of Lampricides for Controlling Sea Lamprey," Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(sp2), 20-34, (1 September 2007).[20:RTGTUO]2.0.CO;2
Received: 22 November 2006; Accepted: 19 February 2007; Published: 1 September 2007

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sea lamprey control
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