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12 January 2017 The Tadpole of Proceratophrys dibernardoi (Brandão, Caramaschi, Vaz-Silva, and Campos, 2013) (Anura, Odontophrynidae)
Danusy Lopes Santos, Renato Neves Feio, Fausto Nomura
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Proceratophrys dibernardoi is a newly described species belonging to the Proceratophrys cristiceps group. Herein, we describe the external morphology of tadpoles of P. dibernardoi. Although external larval morphology of P. cristiceps group members is quite similar, the tadpole of P. dibernardoi may be distinguished by a combination of morphological traits, such as body shape that is elliptical in dorsal view and depressed in lateral view; a snout that is rounded in dorsal and lateral views; small, reniform nares with a small marginal rim; and a spiracle with its centripetal wall completely fused to the body wall. The oral disc is ventrally located, with lateroventral emarginations; its tooth row formula is 2(2)/3(1).

Copyright 2017 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
Danusy Lopes Santos, Renato Neves Feio, and Fausto Nomura "The Tadpole of Proceratophrys dibernardoi (Brandão, Caramaschi, Vaz-Silva, and Campos, 2013) (Anura, Odontophrynidae)," Journal of Herpetology 51(1), 114-118, (12 January 2017).
Accepted: 1 June 2016; Published: 12 January 2017
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