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18 January 2022 On the relationship between environmental suitability and habitat use for three neotropical mammals
Rusby G. Contreras-Díaz, Manuel Falconi, Luis Osorio-Olvera, Marlon E. Cobos, Jorge Soberón, A. Townsend Peterson, Andrés Lira-Noriega, Patricia Álvarez-Loayza, André Luis Gonçalves, Johanna Hurtado-Astaiza, Rocío del Pilar Rojas Gonzáles, Ingrid Serrano Zubileta, Wilson Roberto Spironello, Rodolfo Vásquez-Martínez
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Recent studies have used occupancy models (OM) and ecological niche models (ENM) to provide a better understanding of species' distributions at different scales. One of the main ideas underlying the theoretical foundations of both OM and ENM is that they are positively related to abundance: higher occupancy implies higher density and more suitable areas are likely to have more abundant populations. Here, we analyze the relationship between habitat use measured in terms of occupancy probabilities from OM and environmental suitability derived from ENM in three different Neotropical mammal species: Leopardus wiedii, Cuniculus paca, and Dasypus novemcinctus. For ENM, we used climatic and vegetation cover variables and implemented a model calibration and selection protocol to select the most competitive models. For OM, we used a single-species, single-season model with site covariates for camera-trap data from six different sites throughout the Neotropical realm. Covariates included vegetation percentage, normalized difference vegetation index, normalized difference water index, and elevation. For each site, we fit OM using all possible combinations of variables and selected the most competitive (ΔAICc < 2) to build an average OM. We explored relationships between estimated suitability and occupancy values using Spearman correlation analysis. Relationships between ENM and OM tended to be positive for the three Neotropical mammals, but the strength varied among sites, which could be explained by local factors such as site characteristics and conservation status of areas. We conjecture that ENM are suitable to understand spatial patterns at coarser geographic scales because the concept of the niche is about the species as a whole, whereas OM are more relevant to explain the distribution locally, likely reflecting transient dynamics of populations resulting from many local factors such as community composition and biotic processes.

Rusby G. Contreras-Díaz, Manuel Falconi, Luis Osorio-Olvera, Marlon E. Cobos, Jorge Soberón, A. Townsend Peterson, Andrés Lira-Noriega, Patricia Álvarez-Loayza, André Luis Gonçalves, Johanna Hurtado-Astaiza, Rocío del Pilar Rojas Gonzáles, Ingrid Serrano Zubileta, Wilson Roberto Spironello, and Rodolfo Vásquez-Martínez "On the relationship between environmental suitability and habitat use for three neotropical mammals," Journal of Mammalogy 103(2), 425-439, (18 January 2022).
Received: 17 December 2019; Accepted: 17 November 2021; Published: 18 January 2022
ecological niche models
habitat use
mamíferos neotropicales
Modelado de nicho ecológico
modelos de distribución de especies
modelos de ocupación
neotropical mammals
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