Sclerodermus Latreille, 1809 (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), are parasitoids of wood-boring beetle larvae that can co-infest furniture and homes attacked by such larvae. This can result in the human inhabitants receiving stings from adult female wasps as they wander in search of new hosts. Herein, I report the first infestation of Sclerodermus macrogaster (Ashmead, 1887) of a home in North America and provide a review of Sclerodermus biology and clinical signs relevant to their pestiferous nature.
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20 February 2018
A Review of Sclerodermus Latreille, 1809 (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) Infestations and Report of the First Case in North America North of Mexico
Michael J. Skvarla
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Journal of Medical Entomology
Vol. 55 • No. 3
May 2018
Vol. 55 • No. 3
May 2018
medical entomology