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19 August 2024 Abundance, distribution, and dynamics of Anopheles species (Diptera: Culicidae) in Iowa, United States
Christopher H. Lee, Mark Leonard, Ryan C. Smith
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Malaria was once endemic in the United States prior to its elimination in 1951. However, due to consistent introductions of travel-associated malaria cases and the presence of several native Anopheles species (Diptera: Culicidae) that are competent vectors of malaria, the potential for local (autochthonous) malaria transmission remains a persistent threat in the United States. While several intermittent cases of local malaria transmission have occurred in the United States in the decades since elimination, the emergence of autochthonous transmission in 4 states in 2023 demonstrates the continued risk for future outbreaks. Moreover, these recent examples also highlight significant gaps in current mosquito surveillance efforts that have predominantly focused on threats of arboviral disease, such that our understanding of Anopheles distributions relies only on historical records and offers limited insight into the ecological factors that influence their abundance. Herein, we summarize mosquito surveillance data collected over the last 20 years (2004–2023) across 59 Iowa counties to provide essential information into the spatial distribution, temporal abundance, and trap preferences of Anopheles species in the state. Further analyses of the 2 most abundant species, Anopheles punctipennis Say and Anopheles quadrimaculatus Say, reveal the additional influence of precipitation and forested habitats in defining An. punctipennis abundance. Together, we believe these results provide an increased understanding of previously neglected Anopheles species that have the potential for autochthonous malaria transmission in Iowa and that can be extended to other regions of the United States to enhance preparedness for future malaria outbreaks.

Christopher H. Lee, Mark Leonard, and Ryan C. Smith "Abundance, distribution, and dynamics of Anopheles species (Diptera: Culicidae) in Iowa, United States," Journal of Medical Entomology 61(6), 1391-1398, (19 August 2024).
Received: 7 May 2024; Accepted: 2 August 2024; Published: 19 August 2024

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Anopheles species
mosquito surveillance
vector ecology
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