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25 August 2024 Examining imidacloprid behaviorally resistant house flies (Musca domestica L.) (Diptera: Muscidae) for neonicotinoid cross-resistance
Jaqueline N. Torres, Caleb B. Hubbard, Amy C. Murillo
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The house fly (Musca domestica L.) is a ubiquitous fly species commonly associated with confined animal and urban waste storage facilities. It is known for its pestiferous nature and ability to mechanically vector numerous disease-causing pathogens. Effective control of adult house fly populations has traditionally relied upon insecticidal food baits; however, due to the overuse of insecticides, resistance has proven to yield many insecticidal baits and chemical classes less effective. Imidacloprid, the most widely used neonicotinoid, has been formulated and commonly used in house fly baits for over 2 decades. However, widespread evidence of physiological and behavioral resistance to imidacloprid has been documented. While previous studies have investigated the mechanisms of behavioral resistance to imidacloprid in the house fly, it remains unclear whether behavioral resistance is specific to imidacloprid or if behavioral cross-resistance exists to other compounds within the neonicotinoid class of insecticides.The current study used no-choice and choice-feeding bioassays to examine a lab-selected imidacloprid behaviorally resistant house fly colony for cross-resistance to other insecticides in the neonicotinoid chemical class. All flies exhibited high mortality (97–100%) in no-choice assays, even when exposed to imidacloprid, indicating physiological susceptibility to all tested neonicotinoids. House flies exhibited high mortality (98–100%) in choice assays when exposed to all neonicotinoid insecticides tested besides imidacloprid. These results confirm that imidacloprid behavioral resistance is specific to the compound imidacloprid and that alternative neonicotinoids remain viable options for control. Our study showed no evidence of behavioral cross-resistance to other compounds in the neonicotinoid class.

Jaqueline N. Torres, Caleb B. Hubbard, and Amy C. Murillo "Examining imidacloprid behaviorally resistant house flies (Musca domestica L.) (Diptera: Muscidae) for neonicotinoid cross-resistance," Journal of Medical Entomology 61(6), 1443-1447, (25 August 2024).
Received: 9 May 2024; Accepted: 5 August 2024; Published: 25 August 2024

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feeding aversion
house fly
integrated pest management
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