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1 January 2013 Echinoderms from the Lower Devonian (Emsian) of Bolivia (Malvinokaffric Realm)
Jeffrey R. Thompson, William I. Ausich, Legrand Smith
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Crinoid faunas from the Lower Devonian of South America are poorly known. Two new taxa are described from the Emsian Icla Formation at Cerro Kochis in the Cochabamba Department: the rhodocrinitid, Lutocrinus boliviaensis n. gen. n. sp. and Griphocrinus pirovanoi n. sp. Two additional camerates are reported from the Emsian Belèn Formation of the Altiplano region in the La Paz Department, including Ctenocrinus branisai n. sp. and Boliviacrinus isaacsoni McIntosh, 1988. In addition, a specimen of the blastoid, Pachyblastus dicki Bremier and Macurda, 1972, was recovered from the Altiplano region. These crinoids and material previously collected by Leonardo Branisa, including specimens of C. branisai n. sp., Apurocrinus sucrei McIntosh, 1981, B. isaacsoni McIntosh, 1988, and L. boliviaensis n. sp., are described and revised. The specimens give new insights into the Lower Devonian Malvinokaffric Realm of Bolivia, a relatively new frontier in crinoid paleontology.

The Paleontological Society
Jeffrey R. Thompson, William I. Ausich, and Legrand Smith "Echinoderms from the Lower Devonian (Emsian) of Bolivia (Malvinokaffric Realm)," Journal of Paleontology 87(1), 166-175, (1 January 2013).
Accepted: 1 September 2012; Published: 1 January 2013
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