In the course of a revision of species of Haemonchus Cobb, 1898 (Nematoda), commonly referred to as large stomach worms and significant pathogens of ruminants, a new species was discovered in the grey rhebuck Pelea capreolus, and the bontebok Damaliscus pygarthus, in South Africa. The new species, Haemonchus horaki, was previously reported as a long-spicule form of H. contortus (Rudolphi, 1803) Ransom, 1911. The new species, compared with H. contortus, can be distinguished by significantly longer spicules (555–615 μm vs. 383–475 μm); a synlophe with fewer ridges (26 vs. 30 in the region of the posterior part of the esophagus) that extend more posteriorly (within 1 mm of the copulatory bursa in males and postvulvar in females, vs. 2/3 to 3/4 of prebursal and prevulvar lengths); and an asymmetrical dorsal lobe with a long dorsal ray divided for more than half of its length, forming 2 branches of unequal length (vs. a dorsal ray divided for less than half of its length and forming 2 equal branches in H. contortus).