The ultrastructure of the mouthparts of Dermatobia hominis was studied using scanning electron microscopy. The morphological characteristics of the segments, articulations, sensory organs, and pilose covering are described. Mechanoreceptors of the long trichoid sensillum and smaller trichoid sensillum types were observed, as well as labellar gustatory receptors of the basiconic sensillum type, which differed between the sexes. These observations are discussed with reference to the current literature on the morphology and sense organs of dipteran mouthparts, and the prevailing view that the adult mouthparts of this species are non-functional is challenged.
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1 February 2002
Observations on Mouthparts of Dermatobia hominis (Linneaus Jr., 1781) (Diptera: Cuterebridae) by Scanning Electron Microscopy
Fernandes Fernando de Freitas,
Pedro Marcos Linardi