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1 August 2004 Additional Observations on the Sporozoite Transmission of Plasmodium knowlesi to Monkeys
William E. Collins, JoAnn S. Sullivan, Douglas Nace, Tyrone Williams, Allison Williams, G. Gale Galland, John W. Barnwell
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Saimiri boliviensis monkeys were infected by the intravenous injection of 50 sporozoites of the H strain of Plasmodium knowlesi dissected from the salivary glands of Anopheles dirus mosquitoes; prepatent periods were 11, 12, 13, 13, 13, and 16 days. Sporozoites of P. knowlesi stored frozen for 7 days, 53 days, 20 mo, 7 yr and 7 mo, and 11 yr and 5 mo induced infections in Macaca mulatta monkeys with prepatent periods of 7, 6, 8, 10, and 7 days, respectively. After frozen storage for 11 yr and 5 mo, infections were induced in S. boliviensis with prepatent periods of 10–13 days.

William E. Collins, JoAnn S. Sullivan, Douglas Nace, Tyrone Williams, Allison Williams, G. Gale Galland, and John W. Barnwell "Additional Observations on the Sporozoite Transmission of Plasmodium knowlesi to Monkeys," Journal of Parasitology 90(4), 866-867, (1 August 2004).
Published: 1 August 2004
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