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1 June 2005 Protein Interaction of Nucleosome Assembly Protein 1 and Casein Kinase 2 During Desiccation Response in the Insect-Killing Nematode Steinernema feltiae IS-6
T. Z. Gal, I. Glazer, A. Sherman, H. Koltai
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The change in gene expression induced by desiccation in the semiarid, entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema feltiae IS-6, includes induction of transcription of a nucleosome assembly protein, NAP1 homolog, and of casein kinase 2 (CK2) genes. Therefore, one of the events during the dehydration response of S. feltiae IS-6 may be transcriptional activation by S. feltiae IS-6 NAP1 homolog (Sf-Nap1), which is regulated by S. feltiae IS-6 CK2 (Sf-CK2). This regulation necessitates physical interaction between the Sf-Nap1 and Sf-CK2 proteins. In the present study we used yeast 2-hybrid analysis to demonstrate physical interaction between the 2 proteins, thus confirming the involvement of a protein interaction-based step in the desiccation response mechanism of S. feltiae IS-6.

T. Z. Gal, I. Glazer, A. Sherman, and H. Koltai "Protein Interaction of Nucleosome Assembly Protein 1 and Casein Kinase 2 During Desiccation Response in the Insect-Killing Nematode Steinernema feltiae IS-6," Journal of Parasitology 91(3), 691-693, (1 June 2005).
Published: 1 June 2005
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