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Sascha L. Hallett, Stephen D. Atkinson, Richard A. Holt, Craig R. Banner, Jerri L. Bartholomew
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In February 2004, a mass die-off of common goldfish Carassius auratus L., presumptively caused by bacterial coldwater disease (Flavobacterium psychrophilum), occurred at Fern Ridge Reservoir, Oregon. A range of size classes was affected, but all mature fish were female and all fish were infected with a single myxozoan, Chloromyxum auratum n. sp. No histological changes were observed associated with the parasite. Infection was represented by mictosporic plasmodia and free-floating spores in the gall bladder. Parasite spores were nearly spherical, 13.6 μm long × 12.6 μm wide × 13.1 μm thick, and possessed 4 equal-sized polar capsules. Spores had a coglike appearance in apical view because of distinct ridges 2.1 μm high protruding from the valve cells. There were 6–9 extrasutural ridges per valve (15–20 ridges per spore), aligned along the longitudinal axis, with some branching, and convergence at both poles. Morphologically, spores identified most closely with Chloromyxum cristatum Léger, 1906; however, 18S rDNA sequence data indicated only 97.5% similarity over 2,076 bp with Chloromyxum cyprini, the only synonym of C. cristatum for which DNA data are available; additional sequence data may reveal the other synonyms to be distinct species. This is the first record of a species of Chloromyxum from goldfish.

Sascha L. Hallett, Stephen D. Atkinson, Richard A. Holt, Craig R. Banner, and Jerri L. Bartholomew "A NEW MYXOZOAN FROM FERAL GOLDFISH (CARASSIUS AURATUS)," Journal of Parasitology 92(2), 357-363, (1 April 2006).
Received: 25 June 2005; Accepted: 1 October 2005; Published: 1 April 2006
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