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1 April 2009 Development and Application of a Fecal Antigen Diagnostic Sandwich ELISA for Estimating Prevalence of Fasciola gigantica in Cattle in Central Java, Indonesia
Endah Estuningsih, Terry Spithill, Herman Raadsma, Ruby Law, G. Adiwinata, Els Meeusen, David Piedrafita
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The purpose of this study was to compare the sensitivity and specificity of an ELISA test to detect Fasciola gigantica antigens (coproantigens) in bovine feces, with fecal egg counting and an ELISA for detecting anti–F. gigantica antibodies in serum. Monoclonal antibodies to cathepsin L were generated and used to capture this antigen in feces of infected cattle. Blood, feces, and livers were collected from 150 cattle at an abattoir in Jakarta, Indonesia, for anti-Fasciola antibodies, coproantigen detection, and F. gigantica egg and worm counts. Fluke recovery varied from 1 to 426 per host, with a mean of 32 flukes. The results showed that the sensitivity and specificity of coproantigen detecting ELISA (95 and 91%, respectively) was better than the anti–F. gigantica antibody ELISA (91 and 88%, respectively) and to fecal egg counting (87 and 100%, respectively). The coproantigen ELISA was able to detect 100% of the cattle with >15 flukes. A survey of 305 cattle in central Java over a 10-mo period validated this test in the field, demonstrating a high prevalence of fascioliasis and establishing the test as a useful diagnostic method to determine patent F. gigantica infections in cattle.

Endah Estuningsih, Terry Spithill, Herman Raadsma, Ruby Law, G. Adiwinata, Els Meeusen, and David Piedrafita "Development and Application of a Fecal Antigen Diagnostic Sandwich ELISA for Estimating Prevalence of Fasciola gigantica in Cattle in Central Java, Indonesia," Journal of Parasitology 95(2), 450-455, (1 April 2009).
Received: 30 April 2008; Accepted: 1 August 2008; Published: 1 April 2009
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