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28 February 2022 Autumn Migration of Diurnal Raptors across Kenting National Park, Taiwan, along the East-Asian Oceanic Flyway
Chao-Chieh Chen, Jing-Guo Lin, Yu-Jung Cheng, Ta-Chih Chen, Jo-Szu Tsai, Yuan-Hsun Sun
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Diurnal raptors were counted during their southward migration in autumn of 2019 at Kenting National Park, southern Taiwan, an important hawkwatch site along the East-Asian Oceanic Flyway. Observations were conducted from 1 September to 31 October 2019 in the morning hours, but the observation period was extended to 1400 H whenever large numbers of raptors passed the site before noon. A total of 329,559 individuals of 14 migratory raptor species was recorded. The Chinese Sparrowhawk (Accipiter soloensis) and Gray-faced Buzzard (Butastur indicus) made up 78.3% (257,971 birds) and 21.6% (71,045 birds) of the total, respectively. The number of Chinese Sparrowhawks increased significantly when we extended the survey duration from 1200 H to 1400 H (paired t-test, t = 2.44, P = 0.04), but the number of Gray-faced Buzzards did not (t = 1.94, P = 0.09). Thus, Chinese Sparrowhawks may continue passing the site en route to the Philippine Islands in the afternoon hours, whereas Gray-faced Buzzards usually stop migrating in early afternoon, at least under certain conditions. How prevailing wind conditions along the East-Asian Oceanic Flyway in autumn shape the different migratory strategies of these two hawk species requires further study.

© 2022 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc.
Chao-Chieh Chen, Jing-Guo Lin, Yu-Jung Cheng, Ta-Chih Chen, Jo-Szu Tsai, and Yuan-Hsun Sun "Autumn Migration of Diurnal Raptors across Kenting National Park, Taiwan, along the East-Asian Oceanic Flyway," Journal of Raptor Research 56(1), 95-100, (28 February 2022).
Received: 22 July 2020; Accepted: 22 July 2021; Published: 28 February 2022
Accipiter soloensis
Butastur indicus
Chinese Sparrowhawk
East-Asian Oceanic Flyway
Gray-faced Buzzard
hawk count
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