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1 December 2009 Morphological and Molecular Effects of Vibrio splendidus on Hemocytes of Softshell Clams, Mya arenaria
Mebrahtu T. Araya, Ahmed Siah, Dante R. Mateo, Frederick Markham, Patty McKenna, Gerry R. Johnson, Franck C. J. Berthe
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Hemocytes constitute the cellular part of the mollusc immune system and are involved in phagocytosis; the production of toxic oxygen radicals, antimicrobial peptides, opsonizing molecules, and lysozymes; digestion, excretion, and nutrient transport. In this study, we investigated the phenotypic response, phagocytosis, and respiratory burst activity in hemocytes of Mya arenaria exposed to the bacterium Vibrio splendidus. Exposure to V. splendidus led to a loss of pseudopodia and rounding of hemocytes. The phagocytic ability of hemocytes was significantly reduced in challenged hemocytes, as was the respiratory burst activity of hemocytes. The expression of actin and elongation factor 2 genes was measured to investigate a possible relation between phenotypic response of hemocytes exposed to V. splendidus and genes associated with cytoskeleton. Both actin and elongation factor 2 genes were upregulated in challenged hemocytes. Additional studies are underway to identify other genes of hemocytes whose expression is affected by exposure to V. splendidus.

Mebrahtu T. Araya, Ahmed Siah, Dante R. Mateo, Frederick Markham, Patty McKenna, Gerry R. Johnson, and Franck C. J. Berthe "Morphological and Molecular Effects of Vibrio splendidus on Hemocytes of Softshell Clams, Mya arenaria," Journal of Shellfish Research 28(4), 751-758, (1 December 2009).
Published: 1 December 2009
gene expression
green fluorescent protein
immune assay
Mya arenaria
softshell clam
Vibrio splendidus
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