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28 January 2021 The Moderating Effect of Positively Valenced Words on Driving after Drinking Outcomes
Shelby A. King, Robert E. Twidwell, Lance W. Hahn, Jenni B. Teeters
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Objective: Driving after drinking is a major concern among college students. The present study examined the association between interventionist use of positively valenced words and intervention outcomes in the context of a text-messaging based intervention aimed at reducing drinking after driving behaviors among college students.

Method: Data analyzed in this manuscript come from a previously published randomized controlled trial of a brief intervention aimed at reducing alcohol-impaired driving. Participants were 25 college students who reported driving after drinking 2 or more drinks at least twice in the past three months. After completing baseline measures, participants were provided a brief personalized driving after drinking feedback intervention via text-messaging.

Results: A moderation analysis revealed that the relationship between the number of drinks consumed prior to driving at baseline and the number of drinks consumed prior to driving at 3-month follow-up was moderated by the interventionist's use of positively valenced words during the intervention.

Conclusions: These findings provide evidence that the use of positively valenced words by an interventionist during a text message-based intervention moderates intervention outcomes.

Shelby A. King, Robert E. Twidwell, Lance W. Hahn, and Jenni B. Teeters "The Moderating Effect of Positively Valenced Words on Driving after Drinking Outcomes," Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 82(1), 26-31, (28 January 2021).
Published: 28 January 2021
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