Pneumocoelom secondary to primary pulmonary disease was diagnosed via CT (three cases) or radiographs and coelioscopy (one case) in one Kemp's ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) and three loggerhead (Caretta caretta) sea turtles. All cases were suspected to be caused by trauma to the lung, and all exhibited positive buoyancy disorders. Coelomocentesis alone was ineffective at resolving each pneumocoelom, suggesting a large and persistent tear in the pulmonary parenchyma. An autologous (in three cases) or allogenic (in one case) blood patch pleurodesis was performed. The pneumocoelom was resolved in all four cases with no noted postoperative complications. Follow-up diagnostic imaging confirmed resolution of the pneumocoelom in three cases, and all four patients were successfully rehabilitated and had normal buoyancy at the time of release. One rehabilitated loggerhead was satellite tagged, and the tracking data demonstrated that the animal was still alive and moving normally 126 d postrelease, when the tag stopped transmitting. In sea turtles, an autologous or allogenic blood patch pleurodesis can be safely performed in cases of persistent pneumocoelom secondary to traumatic primary pulmonary disease.