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2 March 2023 Notes on Early Land Plants Today*. 84. Cheilolejeunea solariae, nom. nov. for Strepsilejeunea subcrenulata Herzog.
Lars Söderström, Anders Hagborg
Author Affiliations +

Grolle (1989) united Strepsilejeunea subcrenulata Herzog with the younger name Cheilolejeunea papillata Solari. However, transferring the former name to Cheilolejeunea was blocked by the existence of the earlier name Cheilolejeunea subcrenulata (Spruce) R.M.Schust. so Grolle used next available name which was Solari's Cheilolejeunea papillata. Unfortunately, the latter name is also a later homonym to Cheilolejeunea papillata (Herzog) Kachroo, which Grolle overlooked. Thus, the taxon is lacking a legitimate name in Cheilolejeunea. Therefore, we here replace the earliest name with a new name in the genus.

Formal treatment

Cheilolejeunea solariae L.Söderstr. et A.Hagborg, nom. nov.

  • Replaced name: Strepsilejeunea subcrenulata Herzog, Ark. Bot. 29A (21): 11, 1940 (Herzog 1940).

  • Type: ‘Br. V. [Brazo del Viento], parte ext., lado N, 770 m, leg. A. LJR, 19.I.l934, no. 1341 ex parte’. Lectotype (Grolle 1989 as ‘holotype’): Argentinien, Provo Neuquén, Lago Nahuelhuapi, Brazo del Viento, 770 m, leg. Ljungner 1341 ex p. (JE04001048, Note: A supposed isolectotype in S (S-B47684) does not contain any Strepsilejeunea (Grolle 1989). Blocking name: Cheilolejeunea subcrenulata (Spruce) R.M.Schust., Phytologia 45 (5): 431, 1980 (Schuster 1980). Type: Brazil, ‘Hab. S. Gabriel, in cortice, cum Cerato-Lejeunea Cubensi.’

  • = Cheilolejeunea papillata Solari, Comun. Mus. Argent. Ci. Nat. ‘Bernardino Rivadavia,’ Ci. Bot. 2 (11), 72, 1981 (Solari 1981), nom. illeg. (ICN2018 Art. 53.1; hom. illeg.),

  • Holotype: Chile, Isla Piazzi, south shore of Caleta Ocasion, Greene TBPA/B 936 (BA, isotype JE), non Cheilolejeunea papillata (Herz.) Kachroo, Bull. Bot. Surv. India 12: 237, 1970 (Kachroo 1970). Type: India.

  • Data availability statement

    There are no additional data for this paper.



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    © 2023 The Authors.
    Lars Söderström and Anders Hagborg "Notes on Early Land Plants Today*. 84. Cheilolejeunea solariae, nom. nov. for Strepsilejeunea subcrenulata Herzog.," Lindbergia 2023(1), (2 March 2023).
    Accepted: 3 January 2023; Published: 2 March 2023
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