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17 December 2021 Bryophyte Diversity of On-Campus Old-Growth and SEcondary-Growth Forests in Montgomery County, Virginia
Allen W. Milby, Jordan S. Metzgar
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The bryophyte flora of Virginia is vastly understudied compared to its vascular flora. Few instances of bryological investigation occurred in the state until interest rose in the 19th and 20th centuries. The full distribution of many common bryophyte species in the state remains incomplete due to a lack of field investigation. Here, we add to the knowledge of Virginia's bryophytes by documenting 39 total species of bryophytes from our study sites, including 15 new records of bryophyte species for Montgomery County. We made collections in an urban old-growth forest fragment and a secondary-growth forest on the campus of Virginia Tech. We devote special discussion to observations of 2 hepatic species and their ecological significance.

Allen W. Milby and Jordan S. Metzgar "Bryophyte Diversity of On-Campus Old-Growth and SEcondary-Growth Forests in Montgomery County, Virginia," Northeastern Naturalist 28(4), 566-576, (17 December 2021).
Published: 17 December 2021
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