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14 March 2022 Sociality and morphology differentiate niches of 13 sympatric Amazonian woodcreepers (Dendrocolaptinae)
Luke L. Powell, Cameron L. Rutt, Karl Mokross, Jared D. Wolfe, Erik I. Johnson, Patricia F. Rodrigues, Philip C Stouffer
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Woodcreepers (Dendrocolaptinae) represent a remarkably uniform group of brownish birds that move by hitching up tree trunks as they forage for arthropod prey. Despite these superficial similarities, we were able to uniquely differentiate the niches of all 13 species north of Manaus by integrating morphological traits (e.g., mass and bill size) with behavioral traits (e.g., sociality, stratum use, and foraging maneuvers). The 5 ant-following (myrmecophilous) species, with their larger bodies and heavier bills, were morphologically distinct from the 7 species that join mixed-species flocks. A combination of vertical stratum, mass, and bill length further distinguished among mixed-flocking species. Two canopy species—the solitary Dendrexetastes rufigula and the mixed-flocking Lepidocolaptes albolineatus—consistently foraged at higher strata than other species. For the remaining mixed-flocking species, the largest 3 species differed significantly by mass, whereas the smallest 3 species, which overlapped broadly in mass, were uniquely distinguished by bill length. The 5 ant-following species differed in their degree of specialization on ant swarms, from facultative (Hylexetastes perrotii) to obligate (Dendrocincla merula). The ant-followers also showed nearly discrete mass distributions that essentially differed by Hutchinsonian 1:1.3 ratios, which likely allows them to maintain interspecific dominance hierarchies at the front of raiding army ant swarms. The behaviors we quantified (sociality, vertical strata, and myrmecophily), together with morphology (mass and bill size), separated all 13 species. We speculate that niche partitioning and competitive exclusion allow each woodcreeper to uniquely access invertebrate prey, permitting coexistence and contributing to high alpha diversity at our study site.


  • A remarkable 13 woodcreeper species coexist in the Amazon Rainforest north of Manaus, Brazil.

  • All are small- to medium-sized, uniformly drab brownish birds that hitch up tree trunks.

  • Theory states that species cannot coexist if they occupy the same niche, so what distinguishes each of these similar species?

  • We used a combination of behavioral (e.g., social structure, foraging style, vertical stratum, and propensity to follow army ants) and physical traits (e.g., mass, bill size) to measure the niches of these species.

  • Social structure separated many species, as did their preferred height in the forest.

  • Mass and bill length further distinguished among species, with all 13 having a uniquely defined niche.

  • We speculate that these differences in behavior and physical traits allow them to coexist in the same patch of Amazon rainforest.

Copyright © American Ornithological Society 2022. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail:
Luke L. Powell, Cameron L. Rutt, Karl Mokross, Jared D. Wolfe, Erik I. Johnson, Patricia F. Rodrigues, and Philip C Stouffer "Sociality and morphology differentiate niches of 13 sympatric Amazonian woodcreepers (Dendrocolaptinae)," Ornithology 139(2), 1-15, (14 March 2022).
Received: 21 July 2021; Accepted: 8 December 2021; Published: 14 March 2022
ant-following birds
aves Neotropicais
aves seguidoras de correições de formigas
bandos mistos de aves
competição interespecífica
diferenciação de nicho
divergência de características
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