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10 October 2014 The Description of Garudella Buffington and Forshage, New Genus (Hymenoptera: Figitidae: Eucoilinae)
Matthew L. Buffington, Mattias Forshage
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Garudella, a remarkable new genus of eucoiline wasp is described from Thailand, Laos, and the Republic of Congo. Four new species of Garudella are described as well: G. acothonaspis, G. afrotropica, G. algo, and G. alicae. Several autapomorphies distinguish this genus from other eucoiline genera: a distinctly protracted and broadened pronotal plate; a massive, posteriorly protruding propodeum; reduced posterior rim of metapleuron; reduced scutellar foveae and lack of lateral bar “windows”; and a generally reduced scutellar plate. In addition, the posterior of the head has a distinctly curved occipital impression, resulting in the cuticle surrounding the foramen magnum to be extruded into a neck-like process. The biology of Garudella is unknown, but based on phylogenetic inference from morphology, the presumed host could be a cyclorrhaphous Diptera in a saprophagous environment.

Matthew L. Buffington and Mattias Forshage "The Description of Garudella Buffington and Forshage, New Genus (Hymenoptera: Figitidae: Eucoilinae)," Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 116(3), 225-242, (10 October 2014).
Published: 10 October 2014
new genus
new species
occipital impression
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