Orius sibiricus Wagner, a dark-colored minute pirate bug widespread in the Eurasian Steppe, is recorded from sites near the Yukon River in Yukon, Canada. This species is distinguished from the melanic phenotype of Orius diespeter Herring by the more deeply and uniformly punctured dorsum, the subangular anterolateral angles of the pronotum of the female, the lack of denticles on the forefemora of the male, the entirely dark embolium, and the shape of the paramere. Collection sites for O. sibiricus in Yukon are in ecoregions that contain sun-warmed steppe in or near East Beringia. The species has also been collected in eastern Siberia from steppe sites within the boundaries of West Beringia. Specimens of O. sibiricus from East Beringia and West Beringia have very similar genitalic structures. Orius sibiricus has been collected from the plant genera Artemisia, Caragana and Spiraea, as well as from unidentified herbaceous vegetation. The geographical distribution of O. sibiricus suggests a relatively recent dispersal across the Bering Land Bridge.
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18 August 2015
First Nearctic Records for Orius (Dimorphella) sibiricus Wagner (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Anthocoridae), a Eurasian Steppe Inhabitant
Tamera M. Lewis,
David R. Horton,
John D. Lattin