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1 July 2000 The Kinetics of Postirradiation Chromatin Restitution as Revealed by Chromosome Aberrations Detected by Premature Chromosome Condensation and Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization
Rüdiger Greinert, Ellen Detzler, Dietrich Harder
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Greinert, R., Detzler, E. and Harder, D. The Kinetics of Postirradiation Chromatin Restitution as Revealed by Chromosome Aberrations Detected by Premature Chromosome Condensation and Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization.

In a study of X-ray-induced chromosome aberrations in human G0 lymphocytes irradiated with 4 Gy using premature chromosome condensation (PCC) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), the time-dependent pattern of chromosome fragments and interchromosomal exchanges involving chromosome 4 was recorded after postirradiation incubation times varying from 0.5 to 46.5 h. Unattached acentric fragments and incomplete interchromosomal exchanges have high initial yields, followed by an exponential decrease, while complete interchromosomal exchanges have almost zero initial yield with a subsequent increase in their number. Plateau values of all yields are reached after about 25 h. This temporal variation of aberration yields can consistently be explained by the competition of disruptive PCC stress with the progress of postirradiation structural restitution at the sites of radiation-induced chromatin instabilities. Details of the temporal pattern of incomplete exchanges reflect the different kinetics of the α and β components of the yield of aberrations. The observed large difference between late-PCC and metaphase yields of unattached acentric fragments and the almost perfect conversion from incomplete prematurely condensed chromosomes into complete metaphase exchanges are explained by a difference in the magnitude of chromosome condensation stress between PCC and mitotic conditions. Chromatin sites prone to fragmentation and incompleteness under conditions of PCC can therefore persist as genetic instabilities hidden during mitosis.

Rüdiger Greinert, Ellen Detzler, and Dietrich Harder "The Kinetics of Postirradiation Chromatin Restitution as Revealed by Chromosome Aberrations Detected by Premature Chromosome Condensation and Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization," Radiation Research 154(1), 87-93, (1 July 2000).[0087:TKOPCR]2.0.CO;2
Received: 20 July 1999; Accepted: 1 February 2000; Published: 1 July 2000
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