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1 December 2004 Changes in Micronucleus Frequency Resulting from Preirradiation of Cell Culture Surfaces
Natalia Medvedeva, John Ford, Leslie Braby
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Medvedeva, N. G., Ford, J. R. and Braby, L. A. Changes in Micronucleus Frequency Resulting from Preirradiation of Cell Culture Surfaces. Radiat. Res. 162, 660–666 (2004).

We have initiated a series of experiments to quantify the impact of environmental variables on the observed frequency of micronuclei in monolayer cultures. In this paper the influence of preirradiation of cell culture vessels on micronucleus formation in Chinese hamster ovary cells was examined. Dry cell culture vessels were preirradiated with 2 Gy of either α particles or X rays and immediately plated with nonirradiated cells. About 48 h later a group of randomly chosen containers was set aside, and the rest of the containers were exposed to a range of doses of X rays or α-particle radiation. Nonirradiated cells plated on previously irradiated cell culture surfaces manifested nearly as many micronuclei as the irradiated cells. In all experiments, preirradiation of the cell substrate (the culture dish) led to a significantly increased micronucleus frequency relative to unirradiated substrate. These results suggest that methods of cell culture vessel sterilization and the composition of cell attachment surfaces could be a confounding factor, particularly in low-dose experiments.

Natalia Medvedeva, John Ford, and Leslie Braby "Changes in Micronucleus Frequency Resulting from Preirradiation of Cell Culture Surfaces," Radiation Research 162(6), 660-666, (1 December 2004).
Received: 26 August 2003; Accepted: 1 August 2004; Published: 1 December 2004
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