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VOL. 89 · NO. 1 | June 2023

Articles (12)
Kirk W. Davies, Dustin D. Johnson, Joe Smith
Rangeland Ecology and Management 89 (1), 1-2, (30 June 2023)
No abstract available
Michele R. Crist, Rick Belger, Kirk W. Davies, Dawn M. Davis, James R. Meldrum, Douglas J. Shinneman, Thomas E. Remington, Justin Welty, Kenneth E. Mayer
Rangeland Ecology and Management 89 (1), 3-19, (30 June 2023)
KEYWORDS: ecosystem services, fire ecology, Fire suppression, Invasive non-native grasses, sagebrush, wildlife
Joseph T. Smith, Brady W. Allred, Chad S. Boyd, Kirk W. Davies, Matthew O. Jones, Andrew R. Kleinhesselink, Jeremy D. Maestas, David E. Naugle
Rangeland Ecology and Management 89 (1), 20-32, (30 June 2023)
KEYWORDS: cheatgrass, drought, fire, fuels, Great Basin, vegetation
Jeremy D. Maestas, Joseph T. Smith, Brady W. Allred, David E. Naugle, Matthew O. Jones, Casey O'Connor, Chad S. Boyd, Kirk W. Davies, Michele R. Crist, Andrew C. Olsen
Rangeland Ecology and Management 89 (1), 33-41, (30 June 2023)
KEYWORDS: cheatgrass, Great Basin, fire probability, fuels, rangelands, wildfire
T.W. Thomas, K.W. Davies
Rangeland Ecology and Management 89 (1), 42-50, (30 June 2023)
KEYWORDS: fire prevention, fire probability, fuel management, grazing-fire interaction, proactive management
Devyn A. Orr, Jonathan D. Bates, Kirk W. Davies
Rangeland Ecology and Management 89 (1), 51-60, (30 June 2023)
KEYWORDS: fuel management, fuel moisture, Grazing–fire interaction, grazing management, sagebrush, Wildfire suppression
Mitchell B. Stephenson, Barry L. Perryman, Chad S. Boyd, Brad W. Schultz, Tony Svejcar, Kirk W. Davies
Rangeland Ecology and Management 89 (1), 61-68, (30 June 2023)
KEYWORDS: fuel reduction, grazing behavior, strategic supplementation
Patrick E. Clark, Benjamin A. Porter, Mike Pellant, Kathryn Dyer, Tyler P. Norton
Rangeland Ecology and Management 89 (1), 69-86, (30 June 2023)
KEYWORDS: Annual grass, Bromus tectorum, cheatgrass, invasives, livestock, wildfire
Chad S. Boyd, Rory C. O'Connor, Juliana Ranches, David W. Bohnert, Jon D. Bates, Dustin D. Johnson, Kirk W. Davies, Todd Parker, Kevin E. Doherty
Rangeland Ecology and Management 89 (1), 87-93, (30 June 2023)
KEYWORDS: Animal distribution, cattle grazing, GPS collar, precision agriculture, wildfire
Sergio A. Arispe, Dustin D. Johnson, Katherine L. Wollstein, April Hulet, K. Scott Jensen, Brad W. Schultz, James E. Sprinkle, Michele F. McDaniel, Thomas Ryan, Mark Mackenzie, Sean Cunningham
Rangeland Ecology and Management 89 (1), 94-103, (30 June 2023)
KEYWORDS: fuels management, invasive annual grass, partnerships, Small wins
Katherine Wollstein, Dustin D. Johnson
Rangeland Ecology and Management 89 (1), 104-112, (30 June 2023)
KEYWORDS: collaboration, fire resilience, governance, integrated fire management, scale
Douglas J. Shinneman, Eva K. Strand, Mike Pellant, John T. Abatzoglou, Mark W. Brunson, Nancy F. Glenn, Julie A. Heinrichs, Mojtaba Sadegh, Nicole M. Vaillant
Rangeland Ecology and Management 89 (1), 113-126, (30 June 2023)
KEYWORDS: climate change, fire behavior modeling, fuel treatments, remote sensing, sagebrush ecosystems, socioeconomic factors, wildlife conservation
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