We describe the external morphology, internal oral anatomy, and chondrocranium of Pseudopaludicola canga. The tadpole is diagnosed by the following combined characters: elliptic body, reniform nostril, dorsal fin starting at the body-tail junction and labial tooth row formula 2(2)/2(1) presenting two lateral gaps in the marginal papillae of the lower lip. Regarding the oral cavity, there is a pattern similarity in some characters among the three species of the genus for which the structure has been described; however, P. canga can be characterized by having a pair of infralabial papillae, irregular median ridge, three lingual papillae, fewer papillae in the buccal roof arena, and greater number of papillae in the buccal floor. The chondrocranium of P. canga differs from that of P. boliviana by presenting a distal connection between the pars alaris and pars corporis of the cartilago suprarostralis; and differs from P. falcipes by lacking a processus pseudopterygoideus. Further, our data emphasize the utility of larval characters as additional tools in the diagnosis of species within this genus.
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25 April 2018
Description of the Tadpole of Pseudopaludicola canga Giaretta and Kokubum, 2003 (Anura: Leptodactylidae)
Etielle B. Andrade,
Johnny S. Ferreira,
André M.G. Takazone,
Anna Evelin C. Libório,
Luiz N. Weber
Cerrado biome
External morphology
Hyobranchial apparatus
Internal oral anatomy
larval description