We analyzed reproductive and feeding habits of Leptodeira annulata based on a sample of 136 specimens from eastern Amazonia and compared our data with information from the literature of other populations of L. annulata, as well as of Imantodes cenchoa. As a result, we detected sexual bimaturism, a continuous reproductive cycle, and no sexual dimorphism regarding snout–vent length. Anurans represent the predominant food item of L. annulata in the region, and these snakes do not exclude small prey from their diet, behaving as opportunistic feeders. Interspecific differences in relative fecundity between L. annulata and I. cenchoa may reflect body characteristics that would represent adaptations to the different reproductive strategies of the two species. Despite the conservative nature of some features of the life-cycle strategies of L. annulata, we demonstrate that reproductive strategies of the species may exhibit geographic variation based on the results of other studies approaching the same species in other areas of South America. Considering that larger conspecific females show higher fecundity, it is possible that natural selection favors sexual maturity of females to occur later.
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25 April 2021
Aspects of the Reproductive Biology and Beeding Habits of Leptodeira annulata (Serpentes, Imantodini) in Eastern Amazonia
Gleomar Fabiano Maschio,
Rossineide Martins da Rocha,
Maria Cristina dos Santos-Costa,
Lais de Nazaré Barros Barbosa,
Klyssia Stéfanni Fonseca dos Santos,
Ana Lúcia da Costa Prudente