We report new occurrence records of Blackside Dace, Chrosomus cumberlandensis, from the Big South Fork (BSF) Cumberland River drainage in Kentucky and Tennessee. The species was not previously known to occur in the BSF basin. Our new records are from 4 streams in McCreary County, KY, and 4 streams in Scott County, TN. These records represent a downstream extension of the species' known range in the Cumberland River system, as well as a geographic range expansion to the west and south.
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1 August 2013
New Occurrence Records of Blackside Dace, Chrosomus cumberlandensis, in the Big South Fork Cumberland River Drainage
Rick D. Bivens,
Bart D. Carter,
Carl E. Williams,
Edwin M. Scott,
Douglas E. Stephens,
Victoria R. Bishop,
Hayden T. Mattingly
Southeastern Naturalist
Vol. 12 • No. sp4
August 2013
Vol. 12 • No. sp4
August 2013