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1 June 2015 Distinctions in Pitcher Morphology and Prey Capture of the Okefenokee Variety within the Carnivorous Plant Species Sarracenia minor
Jessica D. Stephens, Rebecca L. Godwin, Debbie R. Folkerts
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Morphological differences in trapping mechanisms of carnivorous plants may be a response to selection pressure to reduce competition among species and even conspecifics. However, few studies have investigated whether variation in plant morphology is related to prey capture. Here, we measured height, peristome width, and outer-trichome density in pitchers of Sarracenia minor (Hooded Pitcher Plant) and its variety, S. minor var. okefenokeensis (S. m. var. okefenokeensis). In addition, we compared arthropod-prey contents of pitchers between the typical short form and the tall Okefenokee variety and across seasons and sampling locations. Similar to findings in previous studies, we found that S. minor was an ant specialist with no influence of season or location. In contrast, S. m. var. okefenokeensis had a more generalist diet, and prey content varied across season and location. Pitchers of S. m. var. okefenokeensis were also significantly larger in height and peristome width with fewer outer trichomes than S. minor. Overall, differences in pitcher morphology appear to be correlated with prey contents. These results have important implications for our understanding of the evolution and diversification of carnivorous plants.

Jessica D. Stephens, Rebecca L. Godwin, and Debbie R. Folkerts "Distinctions in Pitcher Morphology and Prey Capture of the Okefenokee Variety within the Carnivorous Plant Species Sarracenia minor," Southeastern Naturalist 14(2), 254-266, (1 June 2015).
Published: 1 June 2015
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