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17 November 2022 Scavenging by a Barred Owl in Northern Georgia
Jenna B. Myers, Michael J. Bender
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Scavenging by owls is rarely documented, and fidelity to a scavenged carcass is even less common. Herein we describe multiple visits by presumably the same Strix varia (Barred Owl) to a carcass over 4 consecutive nights during the breeding season. Our observations demonstrate higher site-fidelity than is typically reported for owls and suggest that opportunistic scavenging may occasionally represent a low-cost means of meeting energetic demands with potentially important consequences for individual survival during nesting.

Jenna B. Myers and Michael J. Bender "Scavenging by a Barred Owl in Northern Georgia," Southeastern Naturalist 21(4), N53-N57, (17 November 2022).
Published: 17 November 2022
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